Hello Mary Lou: Prom Night 2
Paul Jutras | Florida, USA | 07/08/2008
(4 out of 5 stars)
"Glad that now that the remake of the original Prom Night is in theatres that they finally decided to release Prom Night 2 to DVD. It was always one of my favorite Prom night stories with it super natural aspect of a dead prom queen possessing a high school girl and trying to live the dream of being queen she was denied when she died in the school gym fire in 1950s. A lot better concept than a mere serial killer. My only problem is the same as with most 1980s horror movies. That is the DVD box art. I find it weird that 1980s had the most fantastic VHS box cover art and often some of the worst DVD box cover art."
Great new dvd transfer of old 80's movie
zombiesgonewild | Santa Paula,California | 04/03/2008
(5 out of 5 stars)
"well this is not the 1st time that this is on dvd.
i already have this on dvd from canada it was released there, under the movie company name alliance atlantis films. the cover on that dvd from them is diffrent from this one by mgm
But this is the first time it has been released in america on "MGM" dvd.
and wow! let me tell you this transfer is nice! its way sharper 50x more then alliance atlantis dvd transfer.
they REALLY cleaned this movie up on this new transfer.
its even in stereo!, the old one on alliance atlantis dvd wasn't. it was in hifi Mono. as so was the VHS version of this when it first came out
video tape
ither way if you have seen this film before, or are going to for the first time. get this dvd from Mgm that just came out. it is a great transfer of a old movie long forgotten.
Prom Nights Never Been So Fun
Joshua E. Casillas | El Paso, TX. | 06/11/2008
(3 out of 5 stars)
"First, lets get this out of the way, Hello Mary Lou: Prom Night 2 is not a sequal to Prom Night. It stands alone as its own movie and on top of that is much better than the original Prom Night and the new Prom Night. The only thing it has in common with Prom Night is the fact it takes place at Hamilton High. This 1987 supernatual horror/thriller from director Bruce Pittman got limted realese in the late 80's and was really slept on by most people. It has a solid story and the acting wasn't bad either. On top of that it has Sci-Fi legend Michael Ironside "Scanners" in one of the main roles as Billy Nordham, Mary Lou's jeoulous ex-boyfreind. This movie really takes place during two seperate times. The movie starts out in 1957 at the Hamilton High prom. A younger Billy Nordham's date for the prom is Mary Lou, played perfectly by Lisa Schrage. Billy goes to get Mary Lou a drink and then comes back to find her with another guy getting it on behind closed doors. Mary Lou is chosen Prom Queen shortly after. Billy,out of a fit of jeoulousy decides to get back at Mary Lou right before she is to be crowned by climbing the rafters an throwing a giant stink bomb behind her. Well, poor billy should have cut the fuse because it's so long the it catches her gown on fire and see burns to death in front of the entire senoir class.
Thirty years later enter Viki Carpenter, this years font runner for prom queen. Vicki( played by Wendy Loyon) is a shy, innocent girl who's going out with Craig,the son of the principal of Hamilton High, who happens to be an older Billy Nordham(Michael Ironside). This to me is one of the only flaws in the story. How could somebody who wittness something so horrific decide to become principal of that same school? Anyway, when Vicki finds and old dress for the prom trouble begins. Mary Lou's spirit slowly begins to possess Vicki's body and she only has one thing on her mind,REVENGE!
This Movie is alot of fun. It takes alot of old concepts (Exorcist,Carrie) and mixes them up very well. On the scare factor I can only give it a 6 out of 10. But on the fun factor I give it a 8 which brings my total rating to a 3.5 stars out of five. I recommend this movie for anyone who's looking for a fun night at home or happened to miss their prom night and wanted to see what all the fuss was about, AH,AH,AH,AH,AHHHH!!!"
A Blast From the Past
D. Collins | 04/28/2008
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Let me be frank. I didn't like the original Prom Night whatsoever, but totally enjoyed Prom Night2. I haven't been able to see this movie for years and on occasion would go on-line to see if there was a decent version and finally now, MGM has done the movie justice with this DVD version.
It's a fun horror flick from the 80s with decent acting and good cinematography. You can't say that about a lot of recent horror movies lately. I have a soft spot for this movie.
I'm very pleased to have this flick in my horror collection. Thank you MGM.