General William Tecumseh Sherman surely knew what he was talking about when he said, "War is hell." The Second World War provided many variations on this theme; from Germany's extermination camps to the horrors of combat i... more »n the swamps of New Guinea to the frozen battlefields of the Russian Front. Allied servicemen and women suffered misery and death in many forms; from the fever wracked jungles of the Pacific islands to the flak filled skies over Germany, to the torpedoed merchant seamen adrift in the freezing North Atlantic. But a special corner of hell was reserved for those who were unfortunate to become prisoners of the Japanese Empire. This dark chapter in the history of WWII is revealed in this gripping documentary, featuring true first hand accounts of the unbroken survivors of that hell. Includes rare archival footage, interactive maps and commentary by noted historians. Bonus Features: Extended interviews with authors Kristi Negri and John D. Lukacs, author of "Escape from Davao."« less