Alex H. (ohiobadboy-2011) from STEUBENVILLE, OH Reviewed on 4/19/2011...
This movie is funny in places.Slow to the story .
Jerry S. from OCEANSIDE, CA Reviewed on 1/21/2010...
Very, Very, Very Funny. Can't express just how FUNNY it is :-)
Movie Reviews
What's up with these reviews? Funniest movie I saw in 2007
B. Mahaney | Canyon, TX USA | 12/30/2007
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I appear to be in the minority, but I couldn't stop laughing during this movie so I have to defend it against the other reviewers. I went to see it at the theater, and it reminded me a lot of "There's Something About Mary". Of course Ben Stiller's character is a heel, that's the whole point of the movie. He marries a girl that he barely knows, realizes that she's not the person he thought she was (she's very disturbed, in a Farrelly Brothers sort of way) , meets a normal (and I might add very hot) girl while on his honeymoon, and falls in love with her. Just by knowing that plot, that Ben Stiller is in it, and that the Farrelly Brothers directed it, you've really gotta see this movie for what it is. It's not Shakespeare. It's just a very funny, very ADULT summer comedy."
Don't watch this with your kids. It's that simple.
Tina | Tampa, FL | 01/19/2009
(4 out of 5 stars)
"I am amazed that this movie has received such low ratings simply because of the sex scenes and other over the top jokes. It's rated R for a reason. Even if you can't put aside the shocking scenes and humor, is the movie really worthy of just 1 or two stars? I personally thought it was really funny and it had a good storyline. Just don't watch this with kids or anyone you are uncomfortable seeing sex scenes with. It's that simple.
What's the movie about? Eddie (played by Ben Stiller) meets a really attractive and smart woman named Lila (played by Malin Akerman) and they decide to get married after knowing each other for quite a short amount of time. On their honeymoon, Eddie sees the real Lila (annoying, disgusting, and basically just an all around psycho). Eddie then meets another girl on their honeymoon and falls for her. What's a guy to do?
Let's talk about the positives first. First, the cast is great. From the main characters to the minor, every single actor is great for their role. Second, I think the storyline is a bit unique. Yes, there are a lot of movies out there where the guy meets the girl (or vice versa) and the guy falls in love with someone else. However, most other movies don't have the guy falling in love with someone else on their own honeymoon. The jokes are laugh out loud worthy. It's just constant humor all the way through.
And now for the negatives. Yeah, if you don't like crude, shocking humor, you probably won't like the handful of scenes in this movie that contain such content. But like I said, it's a handful. Not every scene is horrible. I did think the sex scenes were a bit over the top and if I had a parent or a kid in the room with me, I'd be uncomfortable. But since I watched this alone and I understood that that particular scene was supposed to show just how crazy Lila is, I didn't think it was that bad. Other than the over the top content, I can't see how anyone would think this movie is terrible.
I understand that some people didn't like Ben Stiller's character and I could definitely understand why some wouldn't like the movie based on that. If you don't like the main character, you're not going to care about him/her. Personally, I liked his character and wasn't at all bothered by him.
Look, if you watch this movie knowing that it's rated R (in the beginning it even states that there is sexual content) and you're still "upset" about the shocking scenes and thus gave this movie 1 or 2 stars, you clearly didn't watch the entire thing. The movie as a whole is pretty good even when you add in the crazy stuff. I'd certainly recommend it."
Heartbreak Kid
F. Sirianni | Buffalo, NY | 01/22/2009
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Very funny movie. Saw it on cable and had to buy it. Never was a big fan of Stiller, but he did a good job with this movie.
Plot is pretty simple. He has no gf/wife, finds random girl marry's her on a whim, then while on his honeymoon, meets another girl, breaks up with his wife, girl finds out he's married and leaves to marry some random guy, stiller shows up in that girls bedroom with her husband sleeping next to him, she tells him off and he leaves for mexico, 13 months later... girl shows back up in mexico to tell stiller she loves him and she divorced her husband for him, she leaves for a fam event... and he had remarried during the 13 months to Eva Longoria and then wants to divorce her...
Friggen plots... Actually this movie has 2 good sex scenes in it and shows some big boobed girls [...] bobbing up and down in the water as she's in a hot tub with stillers real dad Ben.
I paid a buck for it and it's def worth checking out."
One of the best of B. Stiller and Farellys
Patrick Sayet | Cermont-Ferrand, FRANCE | 10/18/2009
(5 out of 5 stars)
"This movie did quite bad at the box office compared to comedies like Superbad or Knocked up. I really don't know why, maybe people were shocked of the crude / sexual humor? Maybe they thought it was a teenager romantic comedy?
I liked it a lot, laughed most of the movie as Ben Stiller is at his best as the unlucky guy gettings in stupid situations.
Picture quality : 4.5/5
Image detail is very consistent during the movie, the hotel / scenery shots are very vivid, and clothing detail is very strong. Screen depth is present at times, but there are lots of close ups so it's not that important.
Audio quality : 4/5
Usual life sounds are well reproduced and carry the movie so that you're welcome into it easily.
Special features : 3.5/5
Deleted scenes, gag reel, some featurettes : fun atmosphere in these features."
Kenneth Berry | Salem, OR | 09/21/2009
(5 out of 5 stars)
"This is a good Ben Stiller movie with several shocking parts and lots of laughs. Malin Akerman is one of the hottest actresses around yet this movie almost ruined it for me, not for bad acting but the character she plays is psycho. All in all good entertaining movie and addition to comedy collection."