Underrated Kaufman classic features bizarre world view
Loren Gillespie | Grand Blanc, MI USA | 09/22/2003
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Many people never understood Andy Kaufman's creative genius while he was alive, and it seems that many people never will. Kaufman's performances in mainstream TV stuff like Taxi were well and great, but it's his fringe work that I feel best represents what Kaufman had to say about the world. HEARTBEEPS is one of those early 80s films that clearly dates itself with its cheesy hairstyles and out-of-date social commentary, yet at its heart lies a film about the dehumane treatment of "weaker" people that wear their heart on their sleave... as well as their battery pack. Andy's pewrformance (as well as Bernadette Peter's) is full of mild wit and charm, and his eyes (hidden underneath what I consider to be some of Academy Award Winning make-up artist Stan Winston's most creative and beatiful effects) portray a character full of innocense, imagination, and a rebellious sense of curiousity. A beautiful, low-budget look at a surreal future (back when the era of capitalism and "Reaganomics" reigned over humanitarianism and progressiveness) in which robots are the only true humanistic creatures left on the earth, and the sheer message of hope and love that such creatures are capable of... despite their creators' faulty programming. A highly recommended film for fans of Andy Kaufman or even strange old cheesy films full of quirky characters, odd make-up effects, and robotic romance. This is one of the best little cult comedies of the 1980s, and severely under appreciated for what it has to offer fans of the goofy and sentimental. Don't let other people that don't "get" Kaufman's brilliance and off-beat sense of humor put you off from experiencing something so lovely and unique as HEARTBEEPS."
This movie makes you feel bad about existing
SRFireside | 12/30/1999
(1 out of 5 stars)
"The best thing one can say about Heartbeeps is that you get a chance first hand to see what killed Andy Kaufman's film career. I'm not kidding. It's like watching a three year old child crush it's finger in a car door: you feel bad it happened, you feel bad you saw it happen, and you wish you could get the image out of your head. Enjoy!"
Charming fairy tale
SRFireside | Houston, TX United States | 06/16/2005
(4 out of 5 stars)
"This is one of those hard to find rarities that seemed to have arrived and left the box office before anybody could find out it actually existed. Which is sad because Heartbeeps has a lot going for it, and not just because this is this only movie comedic legend Andy Kaufman ever filmed. It's essentially a simple story with simple conflicts but ends up having a lot of charm in the right places. While it's by no means a great movie the film does have a lot going for it.
Essentially this is just a simple fairy tale. Yet this simple premise does give the script a lot of room to maneuver when it comes to character development and story progression. That's not to say the plot and character development is gold because they aren't. There are plenty of little inconsistencies that can aggravate someone who's picky about character consistencies. Some might not even notice them, but even so the plot will seem a bit on the thin side with not a whole lot going on. Action movie, this is not.
The characters themselves are quite entertaining. Andy Kaufman uses his cartoonish voice talents to make a very likable character. Bernadette Peters also puts together an impressive performance with the material she is given. The Crimebuster robot gives some funny lines reminiscent of The Tick. Still my favorite robot is the wisecracking Catskill voiced by Jack Carter. The snappy one-liners he gives are refreshing and corny at the same time. As for the futuristic society they didn't invest too much in set design and stuff, but the little things are funny. Just wait until you see the bag of beer.
If you like fairy tales, especially ones with a straightforward story, then you will definitely have fun with this movie. This is essentially a light comedy so if you enjoy not-so-obvious humor you might want to check it out. Maybe it will be released on DVD someday, but until then if you happen across this little movie I recommend picking it up if it's reasonably priced."
Underrated Classic
Loren Gillespie | 09/15/1999
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Two robots (portrayed by Andy Kaufman and Bernadette Peters) escape from their factory(along with a hack-comedian type of robot) and embark on a wilderness adventure. Along the way, they create a child named Phil from spare parts, all the while falling madly in love with one another. There are a lot of disparaging comments circulating about this film, but don't let that discourage you. Perfect for the kids."