Satire of Therapy and Philosophical Quest Works
M. JEFFREY MCMAHON | Torrance, CA USA | 10/25/2004
(5 out of 5 stars)
"The plot of this crazed movie--which is as deranged as Being John Malkovich--is that an earnest young environmentalist-poet Albert Markosvski, afflicted with anxieties and rage, consults an existential spy network to survey his existence in the hope to find clues to his malady and to find Ultimate Truth. During his truth quest, Albert meets other neurotics and misfits, including an angry fireman played with great hilarity by Mark Wahlberg of Boogie Nights fame. The film is an intelligent, complex romp of the earnest quest for truth, therapy, metaphysics, self-aggrandizing posers of all stripes. For the first ten minutes, I wasn't willing to surrender to this movie of ideas but when I realized it was a playful fable, a sort of film version of Voltaire's Candide, I relaxed and let the film's magic sweep me away. For fans of the aforementioned Being John Malkovich, Adaptation, and Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, there is a strong probablity that you will love this film."
Test Whether You'll Love or Hate this Love It or Hate It Mov
Danusha Goska | Bloomington, IN | 07/31/2006
(5 out of 5 stars)
""I Heart Huckabees" is the ultimate love it / hate it movie. Few will say, "I could either go see 'I Heart Huckabees' or whatever else is playing at the multiplex."
Me? I loved "I Heart Huckabees." I loved it so much I can't even review it. I loved every performance, every line of dialogue; I loved it so much I want to form a club with others who loved this movie ... Normally, I can't stand Jason Schwartzman, and even he didn't ruin it for me.
How can you tell which camp you'll fall into? Here's a test. Agree or Disagree with the following statements:
1.) My friends and family tell me I think too much, and that my life would be much easier if I would just relax and not rock the boat.
2.) I've tried meditation, but gotten sidetracked when I found myself imagining taking a machete to people who annoy me.
3.) I could pick Franz Kafka out of a line-up that included Jean Paul Satre, Simone de Beauvoir, and Buster Keaton.
4.) The thought of sex with a nihilist leaves me contemplating nothingness, and yet strangely aroused.
5.) I've always wanted to see Marky Mark bicycle in fireman's knee-high rubber boots, while protesting the world petroleum crisis.
6.) I once lost a girlfriend / boyfriend to someone who was cover-model pretty / handsome, but had no soul, and that, yet again, caused me to think too much, and then to meditate, and then to imagine the whole machete thing.
7.) I think that the objectification of women is shallow and obscene, and Amish bonnets turn me on.
8.) Dustin Hoffman does a faux friendly, "I've got your nuts in my cracker" smile better and better as he ages.
9.) Lily Tomlin is reason enough to see any movie.
10.) Cruely, Manipulation, Meaninglessness.
Give yourself as many points as you want for each "yes" answer, and then give yourself an equal number of points for each "no" answer. Cause, you know? It's all one."