Filmed entirely on location in Hawaii, the show followed Jack Lord as he played Steve McGarrett, head of an elite state police unit investigating "organized crime, murder, assassination attempts, foreign agents, felonies o... more »f every type." James MacArthur played his second-in-command Danny ("Danno") Williams, with local actors playing members of the Five-O team.« less
"Nothing lasts 12 years without having something going for it. In the case of Hawaii Five-O, it easy to dismiss it as a typically television crime drama that got lucky by finding its audience and keeping it. The same could be said for Law and Order. Except, in television years, luck usually runs out after two or three years. Gimmicks get old, the formula is figured out, and sharks are jumped so often they don't even complain.
But shows that last five years, much less 12, have to have something besides luck, gimmicks, and great scheduling. Hawaii Five-O had a number of things going for it. First of all, let's be honest. The setting was, and still is so lush and exotic that it is easily intoxicating. Hawaii is beautiful, and most people either live there or want to live there. Filming on location has always been a blessing when it's been done, and probably no more so than on this series.
Next, Jack Lord, playing Five-O chief Steve McGarrett, was one of a long line of no-nonsense law enforcement figures. The strength, integrity, and dedication of these kinds of characters cannot be overstated, and these characters will always have lots of fans rooting them on, not unlike Law and Order's Jack McCoy.
Finally, watching shows like this is always a treat because you see so many stars that were either big stars enjoying a working Hawaiian vacation, or lots of up and coming stars before they got their big break. Hawaii Five-O was a natural draw for both categories, and it's fun to watch them and remember when.
It's also fun to remember when you could look forward to hearing one of the best and most recognizable theme songs in television history. Not a small thing when you add it with the other factors. Hawaii Five-O had a lot going for it then, and it has a lot going for it now."
Another great season, another great DVD set
J. Herman | Denver, CO | 11/07/2009
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I've recently completed watching HAWAII FIVE-0: THE SEVENTH SEASON, and highly recommend it to all fans of this classic cop show.
This season, the first complete season produced after creator Leonard Freeman's death, maintains the fine mix of stories (featuring great guest actors of the time including Leslie Nielsen, Bruce Boxleitner, Sam Elliot, William Windom, Ossie Davis, Vic Tayback, Frank Gorshin and many more)and the usual wonderful performances by Jack Lord, James MacArthur, and crew. The guys battle art thieves, a computer hacker, a wealthy rancher who becomes a vigilante, a terrorist threatening to set off a volcano, a bomber, mobsters, a serial killer and more, including another caper with Steve McGarrett's arch-nemesis Wo Fat.
So how does this season stack up against previous seasons? While it doesn't have quite the ratio of excellent episodes that a few of the previous seasons had (namely seasons 3 and 6, my favorites), it is still packed with many solid and entertaining stories, with only a few mediocre ones in the bunch. The show is still about 3 seasons away from starting it's decline.
As for the DVDs themselves, CBS-Paramount has done fine job of presenting these episodes in digitally-remastered quality, looking better than they ever did when they originally aired on the network, and much better than their grainier syndicated, chopped-up versions. There is the usual disclaimer on the box about some episodes possibly being edited, but based on the run times of the episodes and comparisons with my uncut VHS recordings, these episodes all appear to be complete.
Once again, HAWAII FIVE-0 on DVD continues to entertain and remind us why it is one of the greatest cop shows of all time. All fans should do themselves a favor and order this set and enjoy another 24 adventures in paradise. Please keep them coming, CBS-Paramount!"
70's TV
Jayco | 03/09/2010
(5 out of 5 stars)
"These shows from the 1970's are quite fun to watch!There are so many character actors guest starring,you may not know there name but remember the face from Columbo,Barnaby Jones,Rockford Files and so on.These shows where much more REAL than the so called reality shows that sadly have taken the place of REAL entertainment.You sit back,relax and forget about everything else and enjoy a actor like Jack Lord and his crew as they created one of the great shows that had a 12 year run.I say thank you to these great REAL actors and entertainers.Don't hesitate to buy these awesome 70's shows,there fun to watch,put away and pull back out and watch again and again,Jay - Colorado."
A Little More Uneven than Usual, but Still Great Fun!
Linda Armstrong | Grand Junction, Colorado USA | 11/03/2009
(3 out of 5 stars)
"This seventh season of the long-running hit cop show has all the action and beautiful scenery of the first five, but the scripts are more uneven and a few stretch credulity a bit too far. As usual, some of the acting is a little stiff, but in this show the realism of authentic local people adds to the charm. In spite of two or three (relative) stinkers, several episodes in this set rank among the best ever."
A well made Region 1 DVD set for Hawaii Five-O's seventh sea
WaveCrest | 11/17/2009
(4 out of 5 stars)
"The six discs in this seventh season Region 1 DVD boxset of Hawaii Five-O played fine. Nice menu screens as always, although they're still using an old version of the show's theme tune. Also worth noting that (not including the first season DVD set) this is the first Hawaii Five-O DVD boxset with episodic promos for all the episodes in the boxset."