El Superbeasto aka ?Beasto? is an unstoppable superhero masked wrestler, Producer/Director/Star of BeastoWorld Enterprises?and world-famous man of action! In his first full-length animated adventure based on the comic book... more » created by Rob Zombie, Beasto and his super-sexy sister Suzi X must stop the unholy marriage of foul-mouthed stripper Velvet Von Black and diabolical Dr. Satan, or unleash all the sudsy powers of Hell! Welcome to a depraved domain of outrageous comedy, non-stop ultra-violence and bad-ass theme songs! Featuring a horde of Nazi zombie bikers, seven original songs by Hard ?n Phirm and the voice talents of Tom Papa, Sheri Moon Zombie, Rosario Dawson, Brian Posehn and Paul Giamatti as Dr. Satan in THE HAUNTED WORLD OF EL SUPERBEASTO!« less
Chad B. (abrnt1) from CABERY, IL Reviewed on 5/25/2011...
Rob Zombie makes movies that, while not for everyone, remain unique. This film is based off a character he created that appeared in the comic book series Spookshow International. It's a messed animated comedy that must be seen to be believed. Adult entertainment.
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Movie Reviews
Just plain awesome
N. Durham | Philadelphia, PA | 09/22/2009
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Whether or not you are a fan of Rob Zombie's music or films is irrelevant, The Haunted World of El Superbeasto is a pure blast. If you can, imagine Fritz the Cat minus the political commentary and double the nudity and violence, as Zombie adapts his own comic to tell the story of professional wrestling super celebrity Beasto (voiced by Tom Papa) who is on a never ending adventure of action and babes. He and his hot, Nazi-zombie hunting sister Suzi X (voiced by Sheri Moon Zombie) embark on a quest to rescue foul-mouthed stripper Velvet Von Black (voiced by Rosario Dawson) from marrying wanna-be world conquerer Dr. Satan (voiced by Paul Giamatti). In the middle of all this are plenty of "I can't believe what I just saw" moments, blink-and-you'll-miss-them visual gags, hilarious songs and music, and plenty of animated graphic ultraviolence; so much so that you can't help but enjoy what you find here. Yes, as you can probably tell by now, The Haunted World of El Superbeasto isn't for everyone, but if any of the aforementioned sounds appealing in the least, you are almost guaranteed to love this animated flick, regardless whether or not you're a Rob Zombie fan. Also featuring voice work from Zombie regulars Brian Posehn, Ken Foree, Geoffrey Lewis, and cameos from Sid Haig and Bill Moseley in their House of 1000 Corpses/Devil's Rejects roles."
An actualy non disturbing movie
abe | wva | 09/08/2009
(4 out of 5 stars)
"i think the only reason this movie wasnt rated X was because it was animated.it definately has all the qualities present in low level porn.the animation is like a 1970s-80s cartoon.it involves all the same goofy sounds and slap stick routines, funny facial expressions,general silliness and what not.the violence is beyond severe.it reminds me a lot of "itchy and scratchy" from "the simpsons".the music is very before rock and roll like the music from "who framed roger rabbit?".only the lyrics are like something off of "south park".
rob zombie did the comic book this was inspired from.he also drew for "beavis and butthead do america" during beavis's peyote trip and directed the movie "house of 1000 corpses".no the dr satan from that is not the same dr satan from this film.
this movie is about a lucha libre star[mexican professinal wresler],a big shape shifting droid and a sexually obsessed crime fighter chick taking on nazi bikers,a permiscious ,cussing wanna be chick,a giant gorilla and yes,dr satan to stop the end of the world.
so if you could stand the goofy,dizzying breakneck pace of old school cartoons,you love porn[even animated],and can stand ultra violence all to the tune of 1000 cuss words a second,this movie is for you!
if you dislike even one of those elements,skip it because the movie is full of all of them!
in this movies defense,i would like to say,it is a welcome change from the horrors that are all too commonplace these days.i say go ahead and watch it!just dont do it while your kids or girl friend are around."
Brain-damaging, but hilarious.
trashcanman | Hanford, CA United States | 09/24/2009
(4 out of 5 stars)
"After a great many years in conception and production, horror director/artist/metal legend/all-around bad mofo Rob Zombie hath finally bequeathed unto us his animated masterwork "The Haunted World of El Superbeasto". Was it worth the wait? Well, it's a mixed bag to say the least, but if I told you I didn't have a great time I'd be lying to you. What we have here is a twisted tale of stupidity that bombards you with cartoon breasts and behinds, potty humor, racial caricatures, homages and cameos from every corner of the entertainment universe, a truly bizarre comedic soundtrack that sounds like a collaboration between Tenacious D and Flight of the Conchords, and general Rob Zombie madness like you've never ever EVER seen before. Sound good? Hop onboard.
What's the story? Who cares? It's dumb. This film is about chaotic, childish glee. It begins with a classic black-and-white Universal move by giving us a friendly warning that what we are about to see may horrify us. He's not wrong, but the movie is far from scary in the traditional sense. It takes on an animation style similar to Ren & Stimpy and utilizes devices and sound effects from all of the innocent classic cartoons we grew up watching. Then all the girls take off their clothes and use prehensile female anatomy in ways that make you embarrassed to be watching then you see your favorite horror characters and get all happy and then all the tailkicking starts and there's Nazi werewolves (Zombie really likes Nazis..and werewolves...and especially Nazi werewolves) and zombies and Nazi zombies and they have their own theme song and then there's more boobs and this transforming robot that's all horny for this awesome chick who steal Hitler's pickled head and Superbeasto is a luchador who shoves a cat down his pants so he has a bulge and there is Dr Satan who is really a nerd and has a talking gorilla with a screw in his head then all this stuff happens and it's crazy as fu.......[deep breath].....Yeah, so this flick gets a bit crazy at times.
So I think we've established that the humor in this one is decidedly lowbrow. Let's talk homages, references, and cameos. It's pretty much the biggest draw here unless you are one to pleasure yourself to cartoons (which is okay, as a song in the movie informs us, because Japanese people do it every day....nice). Plenty of horror icons ranging from Dr Phibes to the Bride of Frankenstein and The Fly as well as characters from Zombies' own films, but then there's references to everything from Benny Hill and Jerry Lewis to Charlie Chaplin (who Beasto mixes up with Hitler) and movies like Taxi Driver and Planet of the Apes. Other amusing cameos of note include Courtney Love, the Olsen Twins, and a featured role for Michael Myers.....as street pizza. This is an infinitesimal sampling. Honestly, aside from the sheer twisted insanity the massive unending pile of homages and cameos are what is going to keep your interest for the full hour and twenty. This has to be some kind of record. Eat it, Tarantino!
Voice cast. Awesome. Rosario Dawson lets fly some of the most staggeringly ignorant ebonics you've ever heard onscreen. Normally, I'm unimpressed by this cheap style of humor, but in this particular setting it did the trick for me. The Mexican caricatures, however, go down as a fail in spite of the marvelous man-god Danny Trejo lending his voice. Getting a real Mexican to play a caricature just doesn't sound funny, I guess. Tom Papa is pretty much The Man playing the title character. He has a really classic voice and delivers the lines with the perfect amount of sleaze and glee. Rob's wife Sheri Moon Zombie was born to be a voice actress. As cute as she is onscreen, when she's reduced to just a voice to an animated caricature her gigantic personality is just unbelievably charming. Again, big thumbs up for the cast.
Throw in some self-referential humor (including a song that plays during an homage scene stolen from a classic horror film that laments the cliche parody and asks if they got permission to do it) more cartoon boobs and ebonics slang, and even more cameos and references and that pretty much sums it up. The special features are a few minutes of extremely brief deleted scenes (one has Leatherface in it) and a very long set of unfinished alternate scenes. I'd have hoped for at least a commentary or making of after all the delays but whatever, Zombie. "The Haunted World of Superbeasto" is a great time if you're looking for a cartoon to keep as far away from your children/parents/grandparents/girlfriends as possible. You may not get away with all of your brain cells intact, but you'll probably leave with a smile. A stupid, stupid smile.
3 1/2 stars rounded up because I have a strong urge to watch this again. Soon.
Almost every joke and style is derived from someone else's a
G. Martinez | San Francisco, CA United States | 01/12/2010
(1 out of 5 stars)
"I really looked forward to this. It was the first blu ray I ever owned. I had read the reviews and was looking forward to adding a cult classic in the making to my brand new blu ray collection.
The animation was limited, but decent enough to tell the jokes. the animators were very funny.
It was pretty weak from start to finish. It felt like every joke had been confiscated from some other better cartoon. I feel like it stole from Southpark, family guy, Venture Brothers, Futurama, Invader Zim, Looney Tunes, and Ren and Stimpy. But mostly Ren and Stimpy. For example, there were so many zoom in shots where the simple line drawing became a detailed rendering of something disgusting. Very Kricfalusi. There was even the fog horn sound effect in these shots. What also felt like john kricfalusi was the female sex kittens in the show, but they weren't drawn as well. I kept waiting to see some special thanks to John K. maybe I missed it. I was anxious to remove it from my player.
Imagine if Rob Zombie got high with Quintin Tarantino in the editing room of Inglorious Basterds, went home watched Ren and Stimpy the Lost Episodes snorted 15 lines of "It's okay to tweak the joke if it's homage" then wrote this in 2 binge drunk days.
maybe rent but don't buy.
Weird Cartoon that dosen't seem to know it's audience.
James Simpson | USA | 10/26/2009
(2 out of 5 stars)
"Rob Zombie is not much of a director. For anybody who grew up watching Grindhouse oddities and are well-versed in the Horror and Cult subgenres, it becomes painfully obvious that the director oft-times borrows more than create believable, loving homages. His films often feel like tired retreads rather than genuinely creative or quirky output. It's unfortunate that his first animated feature should meet the same fate.
"El Superbeasto" is based off of a ridiculous Comic Book series that Zombie had marketed some years ago and it follows the exploits of a "super-hero" who is clearly inspired by masked Spanish wrestlers of the 60s like Santo the Demon. He is supposedly a pretty cool cat who can just snap his fingers and get babes to appear in his privately made adult films. He also fights crime occasionaly, but often times leaves that to his Cousin, a babe with an eyepatch who is voiced by Rob Zombie's wife, who likes to undress many times throughout the cartoon and hang out with the robot from THE PHANTOM CREEPS(1939).
Superbeasto frequents a Monster strip club one night and his eyes falls upon gorgeous goth babe, Velvet Von Black. She's adorable looking, but is a real potty mouth, as voiced by Rossario Dawson. She attracts the attention of villain, Dr. Satan, who plans on marryinf her and taking over the world.
The cartoon is beautifully animated, resembling a classic Looney Tunes, more often than not. Except this cartoon is exceptionally violent and is loaded with profanity and nudity. At first, the adolescent sense of humor is actually rather infectious, as the soundtrack is complete with dirty little ditties that describe the onscreen action. After awhile, this schtick just tires itself out and becomes rather monotonous and repetitive.
Many homages are made throughout to classic film, but I have the feeling that'd they fall on deaf ears. For some reason the film begins with the same(except in animated form) beginning as FRANKENSTEIN(1931), though I doubt that fans of that film would appreciate the childish humor within. Why not make the whole film a classic Horror parody? This just seems wildly out of place and inappropiate, another example of Zombie's excesses as a filmmaker.
Undoubtably, teenage boys will love this film for it's racy context and bucketloads of cartoon boobage, but it just dosen't go anywhere. The problem may be that the film feels half-finished. Even in something as ridiculous as this, we need a reason to LIKE these characters and unfortunately we don't. Paul Giamatti steals the show as Doctor Satan, but even the veteran thespian can hardly overcome the sheer boredom and inepitude. All Zombie films feature many good character actors, whose sheer personality often carry the films. As a developer of character, he seems to always fall short.
The DVD presentation is decent, with LOTS of bonus footage and alternate scenes that will appeal to those interested. For fans of over-the-top cartoon gore and sexy cartoon babes cat-fighting, clearly this deserves a viewing. Everyone else should probally just put on an old White Zombie record and watch HEAVY METAL(1981) again."