Get ready for one of the most talked-about, red- blooded American horror movies of the past 20 years: When a group of New Orleans tourists take a cheesy haunted swamp tour, they slam face-first into the local legend of def... more »ormed madman Victor Crowley. What follows is a psycho spree of seat-jumping scares, eye- popping nudity, skull-splitting mayhem and beyond. Joel David Moore (DODGEBALL), Deon Richmond (SCREAM 3) and Mercedes McNab (BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER) star ? along with horror icons Tony ?Candyman? Todd, Robert ?Freddy Krueger? Englund and Kane ?Jason? Hodder ? in this screamingly funny carnage classic that Fangoria hails as ?a no-hold-barred homage to the days when slasher films were at their reddest and wettest!?« less
Chad B. (abrnt1) from CABERY, IL Reviewed on 5/20/2011...
Adam Green's homage to classic 80s slasher films is essential viewing for all fans of this sub-genre of horror.
1 of 2 member(s) found this review helpful.
Jorge S. (jorgito2001) from WESLEY CHAPEL, FL Reviewed on 8/13/2009...
One of the better Slasher flicks that have come out in the last 5 years! Lots of crazy, gory fun! Leave your brain at home & enjoy the mayhem!
3 of 4 member(s) found this review helpful.
Movie Reviews
Look at it for what it is and you'll enjoy it.
Raul Duke | Pittsburgh | 01/18/2008
(4 out of 5 stars)
"it says it right on the cover "oldschool american horror." if you go into this expecting an Oscar winner, you are obviously gonna be disappointed. this is a no frills, no holds barred slasher flick. on the other hand, the villain's appearance among other things really keep me from taking it very seriously. part homage, part spoof, Hatchet deffinitely gets the job done.
the killer is one Victor Crowley. born with various deformities all over his body, he grew up secluded in his home with his father. that is, until the day some local kids accidentally start a fire in the house. Victor's father accidentally killed him with a hatchet while trying to get through the door to save him. now he wanders those same woods and swamps looking to dish out some pain in return for his own.
starts off with a relatively traditional horror intro (you know what im talking about)
cut to a couple days later. the main character("villain" from Grandma's Boy! also in Accepted) of this movie is highly unhappy at Mardi Gras and looks into a haunted swamp tour for some alternative entertainment. most of the characters are fairly cliched. you got the paris hiltonish girls (eh), the hero, the token back dude, the sensitive guy, the completely helpless old couple, and the sleaze. traditionally, it doesnt take too long for the chaos to begin.
a fairly over-used formula at this point, but just like "The Tripper", "Hatchet" manages to be supremely entertaining with an extremely interesting kill or two thrown in for good measure. plenty of blood and guts to satisfy any horror fan, but probably not grisly enough for the most jaded of gore hounds. kills with nothing but bare hands, kills with the ominous hatchet, and a power tool may even just get thrown in there. the action does not disappoint. while i didnt find it genuinely scarey at any moment (they hardly ever are), you feel a little tension at times, it has very satisfying death sequences(victor can be so creative!) and some surprisingly good humor, its an extremely entertaining horror movie. recommended to fans of the genre, especially slasher fans. most others wont get it."
2 ½ Stars: A NOT-SO Slasher STAR is Born!
Woopak | Where Dark Asian Knights Dwell | 10/09/2008
(2 out of 5 stars)
"No other film has received such mixed reviews more than "HATCHET" among my amazon friends. Most of them, hated this film, while lately, it has began to achieve a minor cult following. "Hatchet" is the type of film that definitely depends on what you are looking for in a movie experience. I think a film requires somewhat of an acquired taste, but one thing, I have to say it is a homage to the 80's "slasher" flicks and NOT to be taken seriously.
Mardi Gras, New Orleans: two friends, Marcus (Deon Richmond) and Ben (Joel David Moore) are gallivanting around the town, drinking and scoping out the sights (I mean half naked women). Ben becomes insistent on taking a haunted swamp tour. They come across a pretty but moody young local woman named Marybeth (Tamara Feldman) who is actually looking for her father and her brother who had disappeared in this same swamp some nights ago. When the boat hit's a boulder and sinks, the group is forced to walk back to the city. Little do they know that a monstrous killer called Victor Crowley (Kane Hodder) is hot on their trail and they must fight their way to survive.
Adam Green's low-budget is an attempt to return to the days of Jason, Madman, Leatherface, Freddy Krueger because it is well-known that iconic killers can make such a low-budget film shine. There are two ways to approach this film. Take it as a humorous venture into the world of slasher flicks, much like you should see "Eight Legged Freaks" and ignore whatever faults it has. Another way, is to envision the film as something where there is no ambition in its casting, it follows the same formulaic elements and criticize its measly budget. But the question has to be, did the film present a new successful figure in the books of "slashing" villains?
Well, Victor Crowley is a blend of Jason Voorheese and Freddy Krueger, mixed in with Leatherface and Madman. The film would owe a lot of royalties to other iconic slasher films. Crowley just won't die, no matter how many times you stab him, shoot him or burn him. Crowley just keeps on going and revels on the murder that he has been doing. I would like to see him take on Jason. "Victor vs. Jason" anyone? (oh no, did I just pitch an idea?)
The film doesn't bring anything new to the horror genre and has a very "exaggerated" execution and it does it intentionally. Director/writer Adam Green knew that he had to make fun of his own creation. The characters are a vacationing couple, two friends looking for a good time, a couple of air headed bimbos, a pervert and a young woman on a mission led by an Asian man. The characters themselves seemed very unlikable, and Green meant it to be this way. The script is too hollow and the dialogue can get laughable if you don't see that it was meant to be this way. "Janey's got a gun", a statue masturbating, and the quippy attempts at humor by Deon Richmond and Perry Chen can either be annoying or amusing. The proceedings do seem pointless a lot of times.
Now, the film does have some inventive "kill" sequences. The blood and gore are done "old-school" way; no CGI or special effects--the film utilizes the use of prosthetics and a lot of gooey red ink. Japanese splatter horror elements are sometimes used on some scenes to again make fun of itself. Turning one's head 180 degrees or ripping the arms out of their sockets may not be original but it is fun to watch. Yes, if you are looking for an abundance of blood and gore, then this film will satisfy--just don't think it will be horrifying, it will for the most part, feel a little comedic.
"Hatchet" is a actually more a cheesy attempt on comedy than a horror film. I do accept the fact that the film is making fun of itself, but the characters are just plain bad that they're bad. I do try to see it as a homage and all, but I just can't say for sure just what the filmmakers wanted to do. It's not really funny, but funny in a way that it is silly. It isn't scary, the gore effects while well-done doesn`t feel unnerving. To its credit, I did laugh out loud at some scenes and the film does have a good amount of nudity. Kane Hodder is both amusing and imposing as the killer. I do think Adam Green probably loved his slasher flicks so much that he wanted to relive them. I'm not exactly sure what Green expected from his viewers.
Does it feel like I'm confused? I am. Maybe that is what Adam Green wanted, a audience full of mixed reactions, as a result of his mixed direction. I'll take "JASON X" over this.
RENTAL [2 ½ Stars]
For contrasting opinions on the film, please check out D.Wilson, E K Maxmias and Dave K.'s excellent reviews.
Welcome back to the 80s
Dave. K | Staten Island, Ny | 07/27/2008
(4 out of 5 stars)
"Hatchet came with a lot of hype even before the movie started to shoot there was a lot of hype behind the film and expectations were quite high. There was a great marketing campaign and a lot of slasher fans had some high expectations. The hype of a film is a good thing and bad thing. The good it gets the word out on the film and helps gain it attention, but the bad is again the expectations people will now have will be very high.
Hatchet is very much in the style of an 80s slasher flick, but has enough going for it that it doesn't feel dated. I've seen a few movies inspired by 80s horror flicks and the filmmaker does such a great job at capturing that style that the movie even if just released feels dated so sometimes capturing that feel can also have it's downsides. Adam Green captures the basic concept of the early 80s slasher flick perfectly, but as much in common with the early 80s it also a lot of the mid to late 80s campy, but intentional feel.
Let's get one thing straight; don't go into Hatchet expecting a straight up slasher flick. If anything it's much more of a parody without beating you over the head with it, and I'm sure that is something a lot viewers weren't expecting. Most were probably expecting a more straight forward approach. The early marketing campaign did make it seem it would a more serious approach, which at times it is, but other times it isn't; in my opinion this is what makes Hatchet such a great ride.
I'm kind of surprised that so many people had such high expectations for Hatchet. I do enjoy slasher flicks from time to time where as when I was a kid I lived for them. But seriously most slasher flicks aren't very good. Yes they are a lot of fun to watch, but if you were to see a list of the greatest horror movies of all time only a handful of them would be slashers. The slasher film is just a fun movie that we like maybe a little more than we should.
Hatchet though is clearly one of the better slasher flicks and it's not just an excellent slasher movie, but an excellent movie in general. I guess I understand some of the complaints due to the expectations, but when you ask people what exactly they expected in most cases they can't answer they just say I thought it would be different. If you are a fan of 80s slasher flicks you should love Hatchet. Its gone hot women, nudity, great kill scenes and a lot of gore; isn't that what the slasher film is about?
The slasher flick started to die out a bit in the late 80s and by the 90s they were all, but gone until Scream revived it for a while, but in the years since Scream slasher flicks sort of went away again. Mainstream wise they're pretty much dead, but the DTV scene has a lot of slashers, but the problem is the filmmakers know there's an audience and there's no care, just trying to make a quick buck. Adam Green on the other hand clearly made this movie with the right intentions. Where all these filmmakers fail Adam Green succeeds.
The one thing that surprised me was at how well written Hatchet was; like I stated earlier most slasher flicks really weren't good per se, but enjoyable. The screenplay by Adam Green was actually really good, which was something I really didn't expect. The script was smart and creative and his characters were really great. Most of these movies have weak characters that basically are just there to pad out the body count, but Green makes the best of them all. Each character adds to the movie and honestly I didn't want any of them to die since they were so entertaining.
The slasher flick has been done a million times and really since the end of the 80s they haven't been the same. Every so often we get that one slasher flick that's enjoyable, but not nearly as enjoyable as those of the 80s, but Hatchet is the best slasher flick since the 80s and simply one of the best slashers period. There's something sort of funny about slasher flicks; the characters are often stupid and the kill scenes are so absurd it's hard to take serious and by the late 80s filmmakers started playing up to that. That's what Adam Green does and that really is why Hatchet works so well. The comedy aspect might turn some people off, but it had to be that way. As much fun as the early 80s slasher movies were they were also silly and the mid to late 80s filmmakers embraced that as does Adam Green. I don't think a straight forward approach would work as well. Hatchet is campy at times and the kills are over the top, but that was the whole point. Everything you see was intentional.
When it comes to horror filmmakers most people cite Rob Zombie, Eli Roth or Alexandre Aja as the best out there right now and while I do enjoy their work my money is on Adam Green as long as he continues to work in the horror genre. As director Adam Green does a great job here; He's able to create plenty of laughs, but also provide some really great suspenseful moments as well. By watching the DVD features it's quite clear Adam was living out his dream with this movie and that energy he had on set shines in the product. Like I stated these types of movies are a bit absurd at times and Adam Green plays up to these things and makes such an enjoyable movie.
I think there are many great horror flicks out there right now, but the problem is they seem to lack the fun factor they once had and Adam Green brings that back. From beginning to end Hatchet is just a fun movie. Again you'll laugh and even maybe feel the suspense and sometimes you'll get both at the same time. Adam plays up to the clichés and silly moments these movies have and delivers a great and enjoyable movie.
Victor Crowley played by Kane Hodder is a villain the past. You just don't see characters like this anymore in horror and I wasn't sure how well he would work in this era, but Adam Green and Hodder create a great new Iconic villain. Crowley is something out of the 80s and actually reminds me a bit of Madman Marz of the movie Madman, only Crowley is the better of the two and Hatchet is by far the better movie. Don't expect another Jason Voorhees, which many were expecting since Kane played the part, but Crowley is very 80s, but with a solid modern update.
The strongest aspect of Hatchet was the cast; all the actors were clearly having fun and it really shows. Again the characters are very well written and the scenes with Misty played by Mercedes McNab and Jenna played by Joleigh Fioreavanti are probably the most entertaining of the movie. These 2 girls work so well together. Misty is the typical dumb blonde and the actress very much plays up to that. Deon Richmond and Parry Shen though steal the show. These 2 guys were hysterical together and on their own. Joel David Moore is excellent as the hero Ben; he's a normal guy and really easy to relate to and Tamara Feldman as MaryBeth makes for an excellent heroine. Again all the characters are excellent and every one of them adds to the movie rather than being just there to die.
The kill scenes in Hatchet are great and the gore is plenty and the best part is it wasn't all CGI, which has been a problem in this genre the last few years. The F/X were done by John Carl Buechler who appears as Jack Cracker and is best known to horror fans as the director of Friday the 13th Part VII: The New Blood. There are also cameos by the Iconic Robert Englund and Tony Todd
I get why so many people found Hatchet a letdown and had I not known it was more of a parody I probably would have disappointed with it as well. And I also get due to the hype expectations are probably very high and seeing as Hatchet got over so well at film festivals like Tribeca again expectations were high. But I urge anyone reading this that expected a straight up slasher flick or expected more out of it to give Hatchet another chance. As much as I enjoyed Hatchet I think it actually gets better on multiple viewings. Hatchet is essential viewing for any slasher fan; Adam Green wanted to make something that was just simply fun and entertaining and he very much delivers on that."
Mitchell Cassman | BUFFALO GROVE, IL United States | 07/25/2008
(4 out of 5 stars)
"If you don't understand this movie then I feel sorry for you.
"Hatchet" is so well written and so well directed I would give it an Oscar. Adam Green's 80s style slasher movie is the most refreshing thing I've seen in quite some time as it goes back to basics and does so very successfully. This is not a remake, it's not a sequel and it's not based on a Japanese film. It's Friday the 13th on acid and above all it's bloody brilliant!"(*SD) I had heard Hatchet was funny, Is it a horror film trying to be funny? In that case is the horror element the point of the joke and will it devalue the shocks and terror? Or is it a comedy trying to be scary? And in that case is it perfectly gory and nasty yet totally unfunny? Well it's neither, because it's scary, it's gory and it's hilarious. It never tries to be a spoof of slasher movies. It's a pure tribute to what the slasher movie was and still should be, yet has the comedic elements throughout to indicate that yes that's a maniac severing limbs all across the woods but hey S*** happens!