Beatlemania is sweeping the Criterion Collection! This year marks the fiftieth anniversary of the Beatles? beloved musical comedy A Hard Day?s Night,and to commemorate it we?re releasing a jam-packed special edition of the... more » film, featuring a new 4K digital restoration, a newly remixed 5.1 surround soundtrack, and hours of incredible supplements. We?re also pleased to present two other gems of sixties cool: Georges Franju?s Judex, an inventive and elegant French kidnapping caper that?s ripe for rediscovery, and Michelangelo Antonioni?s quintessential modern-age romance L?eclisse, with the gorgeous duo of Monica Vitti and Alain Delon. Then go back to the fifties for Douglas Sirk?s stunning Technicolor tearjerker All That Heaven Allows,newly restored, and ahead to the seventies for Peter Davis?s Oscar-winning documentary about the Vietnam War, Hearts and Minds, and Australian auteur Peter Weir?s mysterious breakthrough masterpiece, Picnic at Hanging Rock. These are all essential and unforgettable works of cinema.« less