Half Past Dead On Arrival 2
Nuisance | Miami | 08/05/2008
(1 out of 5 stars)
"Oh my god! What sick person found it necessary to have a sequel to a film that stunk to high heaven? I came in with low expectations and this was way below my low expectations.
Plot: Dont even kid yourself.
Opinion: At least Half Past Dead had an idea. The idea sucked and so did the movie but at least it had an idea. Half Past Dead 2 is some rival inmates fight, one of them gets a gun(Dont ask me how because I wouldnt know what to tell you), shoots an inmate and a riot breaks loose in the prison. The main shooter is some guy called Cortez who is trying to break out of prison. During a conjugal visit, the riots break out and Cortez holds both Twitch(who is played by Kurupt of the Dogg Pound)'s fiancee'(Angell Conwell) and Burke(played by the wrestler Bill Goldberg)'s daughter are held hostage. Both Twitch and Burke try to find them while getting into skirmishes with idiotic inmates. The main problem with this movie besides the weak plot and script is that NOBODY takes themselves seriously. Nobody puts any effort into their character. If they would have overacted I would have respected that more than people who act as if they are robots reading their lines off a cue card. I have more respect for people who chew up scenery like locusts. At least they're trying. Nobody tries to act here. Everybody is a caricature. Bill Goldberg spends most of his time sulking and looking constipated and Kurupt's character is such a wuss in this movie. Every other minute he is either getting jacked up by an inmate and waiting for Burke to save him or he was getting jacked up by Burke. I dont see how anybody could like his role in this movie when all he did was act like some soft minstrel clown. The rest of the inmates are stereotypical characters you see in every jail movie. The fight scenes are poorly choreographed and sluggish. I like Goldberg as a wrestler and I liked Kurupt before he switched his style up but this movie stinks! Please, I beg of you, do not under any circumstances waste 1 hour and 30 minutes of you life on 1 hour and 30 minutes of pure torture!
An Unnecessary Sequel That Proves Itself To Be Necessary
Sebastian Sanjurjo | Miami FL | 08/10/2008
(4 out of 5 stars)
"While taking a walk down the isle of my local video store I decided to take a look at the new release section, to my surprise I saw laying there a copy of "Half Past Dead 2. The first thought that came to my mind was "When did this come out? Was this even in theaters? Also why make a sequel to a movie that wasn't good in the first place?" all these questions arose in mater of seconds. But curiosity killed me and a decided to give this movie a shot.
One thing you should know is that this movie is not with Steven Seagal, and in my opinion that is what makes the movie better. For those who are unfamiliar with the plot of the first movie it's about some dudes that decide to brake in to a newly reopened Alcatraz, inside they will find an inmate that has the location of a lot of money in gold brick. The inmates decide to fight back against the criminals that are breaking in..Ironic isn't? Anyhow this sequel continues in a sort of linear but independent story that impressively connects with the first movie. The only actors that reprise their roles from the first film here are Kurupt who plays Twitch, and Tony Plana who plays El Fuego. Twicth in this movie like the first is doing time in Alcatraz; he decides to cause trouble so he can be moved to a higher security prison that is not surrounded by water.
After he gets transferred to the other prison he gets caught in between a gang war that gets out of control. Bill Goldberg's character gets blamed for something he didn't do, the whole prison gets taken over by the prisoners, and Goldberg's daughter is being held captive by one of the inmates. Well I don't want to ruin anything else but this movie is pretty good, in a guilty pleasure sense. The director managed to use flashback from the first movie to tie it in with this one, and it works perfectly. I recommend you rent if you want to watch a guilty pleasure.