Taking happiness to the Germans one song at a time. What do you get when you send America's worst Life Coach to Germany? You get Half Empty. Bob, a slogan-spouting happiness counselor, has sold a whopping one copy of ... more »his first self-help book in the US. But rather than despair, ever-sunny Bob revels in the news that "they love him in Deutschland" and looking for the self-affirmation he endlessly offers to others, embarks on a book tour of Germany. Not since the Marshall Plan has US German relations been so thoroughly tested as in this musical comedy. Amongst the wake of casualties left by the clash of cultures are the beautiful, but bitter, German publishing liaison; her anti-American anarchist boyfriend; and America's most renowned motivational guru. In the end, armed only with his home-spun philosophies and a guitar he can t play, Bob manages to bring new perspective to the Germans, and to himself. A delightful musical romance that takes a Christopher Guest-like approach to today's obsession with self-help. Half Empty (A Mighty Wind meets The Secret) is a wholly entertaining film. Its biting satire inspires infectious laughter and it has a charm that will warm even the sourest heart. No Germans were harmed in the making of this film.« less