Customs agents discover a huge amount of human hair along with the bald corpse of a young girl. This arouses the curiosity of Yamazaki, a mortuary employee with a hair fetish (Ren Osugi), particularly since the girl's hair... more » continues to grow. Now a mad hair-peddler with an endless stock of locks, Yamazaki hocks his wares to salons to be used for hair extensions. Meanwhile, Yuko (Chiaki Kuriyama, Kill Bill, Vol. 1, Battle Royale), an up-and-coming hair stylist, is entrusted with the care of her timid and frightened niece, Mami, whose body bares the signs of abuse. It's not long before death surrounds them and their extension-wearing clientele. The hair, it seems, has a life of its own, with lethal, vengeful intentions. And Yuko and Mami must untangle the mystery before more deaths occur. Directed by Sion Sono (Suicide Club), Hair Extensions will make your hair stand on end!« less