Login to the most successful online game in history. "The World" is being played by millions of people around the world, making it the most popular game ever. Players can go online and trade items, form parties, and go on ... more »quests. But none of that concerns Tsukasa. Trapped within "The World", a virtual prisoner - His journey from the digital world to the real world has just begun. From Bee Train! Studios. Series direction by Koichi Mshimo. Concept and character designs by Yoshiyuki Sadamoto. Genre: Sci-fi/Drama« less
"I loved the story of this anime up until the very ending...when something seemed incomplete...at first I thought it was another great anime with a very crappy ending...kind of like Evangelion...but I was wrong...this version is missing the complete edition...there are 28 episodes to the series and this one only has up to the 27th(including the ones in the extras)...the final episode the 28th...is the most important..."Reunion" wraps it up folks and like many crappy American versions of good Anime, this on falls short...so in short, unless you can get a complete import, don't get this one, you'll probably be just as disappointed in the ending as I was."
Excellent Story, but the ending was confusing
Yay for Music! | 06/10/2007
(4 out of 5 stars)
"This story is about a virtual reality game in which the people playing the game are more than just players, they actually feel and relate through the game.
For the protagonist, Tsukasa, the world is his real world ever since he went into an unconscious state in the real world and was unable to log out. Now he can feel and see things in "The World" that others can't. Smells, pain from wounds, fatigue from not being able to sleep, he can't do anything normal and is unable to figure out why he was trapped.
First Tsukasa meets Mimiru after he fights a battle and his real self falls unconscious. He can't remember how he got stuck in the world or if he is a real person or just a character. Sympathetic and curious, Mimiru, a sword wielding girl with a big attitude tries to connect to the withdrawn and depressed Tsukasa.
Next they meet a companion of Mimiru's, Bear, who is another swordsman with blue skin and wisdom. He is a fatherly figure and Tsukasa views him and other adults as "meddling".
The other characters are the Crimson Knights, a group of online police led by a young girl named Subaru and a gruff, rule abiding, and agressive leader who serves Subaru, the Silver Knight.
The founder of the knights, Crim or Crimson, quit after placing Subaru in charge and went on to play the game for fun instead of policing.
At first the Crimson Knights chase Tsukasa and try to arrest and "Bind" him (Meaning trap his character in the game) because his new Guardian (A powerful being with Unlimited HP that does not die easily) that Tsukasa got when he lost his ability to log out, is killing other players, including the Silver Knight.
Tsukasa has many problems adjusting to the world with his problem of losing more memory every time his character dies because his real self isn't conscious. He also doesn't trust others because he feels everyone is selfish.
This is a good series for RPG game goers and for those who want a change in anime, this series is pretty unique.
My only bone to pick is that the series ending is that after Tsukasa breaks free and gets to log out, first he forms a three person team with real players to create a new character and then comes back after his real self (A girl by the way) graduates to college. I don't get why the story didn't just end after he got out, the story introduced all these new characters that weren't at all fleshed out. The reunion and the reaction of the characters was really out of place too.
Not that I don't like female characters or anything, but I think having Tsukasa be a girl in the real world, or involving the real world to be a part of the story beyond Tsukasa's dilema is a mistake. His character is completely destroyed because the conflict is over.
Next, the story is about the World in the game, not the real world. So having the relationship of the characters be ruined by the revelations of the actual people is kind of weird, however interesting it is to have a girl play as the character Tsukasa, it doesn't help the relationship that Subura and Tsukasa had as characters. I liked it better if Tsukasa just became just a character in the game, that character is more powerful.
Well, that's just my view of it anyways. I liked the fact that the people who played the games were more real in "The World" than in reality. I think bringing Tsukasa, Subaru, and Mimiru into the story as their real selves makes their game characters one demensional. They were pretty deep before then. I think a few things weren't really drawn out as much as they could have been, namely the legends of the world: Orca and Balung. And it didn't seem like the conflict was that hard to solve. I was expecting more problems.
Anyways, other than the ending, this was a good series to watch. Short and sweet. Not as violent as you might expect. The graphics were made to look like an RPG, so, it's even less gory than most anime shows. It has fighting though, PKs (player killers) who just try to get the IDs of other players. And monsters.
The music is excellent, I highly suggest looking for the soundtracks. And it was well mixed into the story. Good series, though incomplete, and enjoyable for all anime fans. This is one of the older series, so that animation is not as brightly colored as the others, but it's good because the it matches the tone.
This is a must see, watch and enjoy if you're an anime, RPG, or looking for something new and different to watch, this is it!"
Okay, worth the price but there is much better anime out the
Katie | 10/27/2006
(3 out of 5 stars)
"The Pros:
- If you play MMORPGs, it's definitely an entwining, relevant story.
- If you don't play MMORPG's, you can still catch enough information to let you understand what is going on for the most part.
- Beautiful music, especially Yuki Kajiura's "Key of the Twilight."
- Interesting enough storyline.
- Those Grunties are so darn cute.
- Good price, now that it has gone down significantly due to its age, other .hack series releasing, and popularity.
The Cons:
- The drawing style wasn't the best I've seen.
- They often use music inappropriate to the scene, which can ruin the mood (like playing "Key of the Twilight" during a fight scene).
- If you don't play video games or have never played an MMORPG, there is a lot of information you probably won't understand, like why some of the players have the roles that they do.
- You have to play the video games to see the complete ending. I personally have all of the games but not everyone does."
One of the best anime in years!!!
Nicholas Gibson | Michigan, USA | 04/17/2009
(5 out of 5 stars)
"This anime has everything going for it good story, great animation. But the one problem I had with it is that the english voice-overs are just god awful. But the japanese audio with english subtitles is just fine for me. I highly recomend this to anybody who likes an intricate story with good characters. If this is you then prepare to enjoy 25 episodes of pure anime bliss."
Amanda M. Gray | Des Moines, Iowa | 01/26/2007
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I love this series very much and I love the games even more. The best thing about this format is that it is cheeper than the tin. I do wish that the hexagonal tin version was cheaper, but this has all the episodes and I can choose the language and the subtitles."