From the creators of neon genesis...
B. Polier | Cranbrook, Canada | 07/23/2004
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I've watched A LOT of anime way before it became mainstream, so I have had a sample of all the good stuff that made it here before the crappy kids shows. Neon Genesis is a supurd anime, you can't call yourself an anime lover before you watch that, however as much as I liked that anime, I LOVE .hack//SIGN. This sotry is slower moving, you see mostly character development and none of that bloody violence that is prevolent in most anime and other media. If you love getting involved with the characters you'll love this. Every person alive can relate to at least one of the characters in .hack, it's amazing to watch it and see how their lives play out. Even better, if you like this anime enough, there are four games to play that take place 6 months after this story. They pick up where it left off and solve the riddles that are left unsolved at the end of this series. Now I have to say that to be an true anime fan you have to have watched 2 series, Neon Genesis Evangelion and of course, .hack//SIGN! ^_^ \/"
The story deepens.
Kellyannl | Bronx, NY USA | 06/24/2004
(4 out of 5 stars)
"SIGN continues as Tsukasa's situation is further explored and we get character studies of Mimiru and Bear - two of the three people, along with Subaru, who will ultimately be closest to him throughout his ordeal.As this volume begins, a distraught Mimiru - who of course has no way of knowing yet that Subaru means Tsukasa no harm - is desperate enough to ask Sora to help break him out. This he does in outrageous fashion, though not without a run in with Subaru's friend Crim. Considering that Sora's game strategy offends Crim's sense of chivalry and Sora is more than a little annoyed at being fought to a draw, it's pretty much loathing at first sight for the two - beginning a rivalry that will continue through the penultimate episode of the series. Tsukasa, meanwhile, bolts and runs.Thus begins Mimiru's highly amusing subplot as, while waiting to see if Tsukasa reaches out to her again, she's used and abused by a newbie named A-20 who she tries to help. To add insult to injury, much to her dismay she also seems to have become Sora's new best buddy - and can't simply brush him off because he's started to feed her accurate information from a hacker named Helba that might eventually help Tsukasa. Fans who do like Sora - and there are more than a few - will likely point to these episodes when asked why. His strange sense of humour can be infectious, and while he obviously knows that his best chance of finding Tsukasa is probably by sticking to her like a bad penny, he gets more chatty with Mimiru than he really has to, at one point even more or less revealing what kind of person he is in the real world - something that you may have already guessed.Meanwhile, B.T. is mildly worried about Bear, who's in an uncharacteristic depression that seems to run deeper than some disturbing suspicions he has about Tsukasa's real identity. We get a look into his personal life that gives us a sense of why he's so affected by Tsukasa's plight and why one of his preferred gaming partners is a young girl who has to be less than half his age.By the end of the volume, Mimiru and Bear's efforts have results. They've reached out to Tsukasa, and spurred by a miserable day he hesitantly responds. They can now begin the task of trying to help him in earnest, and the story is truly underway."
Best Anime Ever?
Dawn | Canada | 07/08/2003
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Possibly. The amazing colour that goes into everything creates a fantasy world. The characters are as different and variated as in reality. And the music. Ah, the music. Not enough can be said about the music to express the unhindering awe I have of it. All in all, everything is simply perfect.I'll admit, the first time I rented the first DVD, I got so lost in the voices, colours and music I didn't pay much attention to the plot. The plot is very complex and confusing at times, since while there isn't a lot of action, there is a lot of talking and theor[ies] and to remember it all is hard. However, once you start to weed out the important aspects the series is really amazing. The character relationships and grow of the characters is really something to look at.Overall, if you're into fast paced anime, I'll agree, this probably isn't the anime for you.However, I have found it extremely enjoyable and would recommend it to those with a lot of paitence."