Very disappointing disc
Clay Swartz | portland oregon | 02/04/2009
(1 out of 5 stars)
"This is one of the most disappointing discs I have ever gotten. They advertise that it was shot at 4 times the high definition standard. I expected great visuals with great detail and color. I also expected changing vistas of flowers. What I got was a stagnant mess. They seem to sit a hi-def camera in front of a scene and leave it there for 10 to 15 minutes. There choice of scenes is poor. They seem to have shot on a cloudy day, so there is not much color to the flowers. They also shot too far away from the flowers to get much detail. The previous reviewer is right the first scene is out of focus. Several other scenes have focus problems. For most of the scenes it would have not been much of a change to just have one still picture. This is a major turkey of a disc. The only redeeming part of the disc is its sound track. There is a choice of three. Two are new agey type of music that sounds decent and one of nature sounds."
Probably will never watch it again
Erin | France | 12/13/2008
(2 out of 5 stars)
"The best of this HD Moods series is by far, "Moutains" (see my review).
"Flowers" composition is not the worst but not the best either. It is shot almost exclusively looking straight on. Which doesn't sound bad, until they don't focus the camera on the distance where you eye natually looks, example: the first shot is thru a pink rose garden arbour and the vista in the distance is totally out of focus and hurts your eyes, yet the side roses are in clear focus. Odd. I think they tried to give the illusion of it being far away but fail.
In addition to being shot straight ahead, the camera is often too close to the scene, giving you the feeling that you are peering over a hedge with your nose touching it. Not the most comfortable visual. The first three shots are irksome; there are three worth-while shots of an asian garden: one far away, but the composition again is off; next a pretty one of a deer-scarer (the water fills up, bangs, then refills..this one (you don't hear the bang, thankfully) is fine; there is another really pretty shot of a stepping stone water garden (my favorite). There are some just useless shots of white lilly-pad flowers that are so close up they appear to be on 'pause' because nothing is moving for so long - it actually frustrates you waiting for it to move, it appears frozen; there is another extreme close up shot of a rose and it's buds that seems to have been taken just to show off the value of your 65 inch plasma detail.. not relaxing to me, far too close, it's annoying, but maybe to others this is pleasing.
I doubt i will ever play this bluray again. There doesn't appear to be any menu at all, and none to loop scenes you like repeatedly which would have added great value to this bluray, as the annoying (to me) scenes make it not worth my time to sit and ff thru (there are no chapters to skip thru, you must ff thru the whole bluray).
End result is frustrating visually, a chaoticly-themed, imo. I would say this dvd is more stressful than relaxing. Aside from the three shots mentioned, I wouldn't ever want to see this dvd again, and i wont because they are at the end and i can't be bothered to ff thru the whole thing to watch 10 minutes of film.
On the plus side, it is colorful."