Very relaxing
Bill | 12/07/2008
(4 out of 5 stars)
"This product is exactly what it claims to be - a colorful, mostly high quality blu ray of a couple of aquariums. Of course it's no substitute for the real thing, but I have my 52" LCD built into a cabinet and it definitely gives the ambiance of having a built-in aquarium. It injects a sense of calm into the room while we're sitting around talking or reading.
The shots are all fixed - no panning, no zooming. Each shot is a portion of an aquarium that stays fixed for a few minutes, then it cuts to another portion of the same aquarium.
It's 1080p so it fills your 16x9 screen with no bars at the top or side.
There are 3 scenes to choose from:
Tank 1 - a colorful tank with various types of coral and a dozen or so tropical fish that make appearances at various times.
Tank 2 - a more natural setting with more muted colors. There are some flourishes of fish, but mostly the fish population is fairly sparse throughout most of this one. The camera cuts to a slightly different view after a few minutes showing more of a close up of the large sea anemone but putting the coral in the background pretty out of focus. It's probably intentional, but a little distracting if you're staring at it - certainly not a scene to use to show off your HDTV. Like the others, after a few more minutes it cuts to another view of the tank with quite a few colorful fish in this one.
Bonus Tank - a closeup on a conch shell in what appears to be Tank 1, with a few Nemo fish hanging out. It's ok, but I don't see myself using this much, if at all.
I find Tank 1 to be the best - very relaxing with lots of color, and fish on the screen at all times.
It automatically switches from tank 1 to tank 2 with about 5 seconds of black screen between the two, so if you want just one tank, you'll need to set your player to repeat the chapter you want.
As far as audio goes, there are 3 soundtracks available in either 5.1 surround or 2 channel stereo:
Natural - aquarium bubble sounds. This is for ambience so the sound is mixed way in the background.
Calm - relaxing spa type electronic music. Ok, except for the drone that enters and exits once a minute or so that sounds like an airplane flying through your media room - strange.
Slow - more spa type new agey music with a synthesizer loosely mimicking air bubbles.
The music is ok, but not my taste. Fortunately you can set it to natural and just listen to the bubbles or set your receiver or TV to play another music source.
All in all, especially considering the low price, I'm pleased with this one.
Great video quality
J. Timms | Phoenix, AZ USA | 03/26/2009
(3 out of 5 stars)
"I was worried about the video quality after reading a few reviews, but this has lived up to my expectations. I am using on a 46in Samsung 1080p television, and it looks really sharp. This is exactly what I wanted for ambiance at parties...where you don't want overly distracting content playing on the TV. It really is nearly convincing enough to make you believe this could be a real aquarium.. The bubbling sound effects are good, although I plan to play my own music when using this. The "spa" inspired sound tracks are not really my thing. Also, there are 3 tank scene options, but the only one I really like is the first (default) one...the second one is ok, but the third one is too zoomed to be believable. It wasn't really clear to me at first that I had to activate the "popup menu" via my Sony Blu-Ray remote in order to access scene and sound options...that probably should have been in some form of instruction on the package."
Surprisingly fun
Loren Paulsen | 11/05/2009
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I found no problems with the video quality of this disk. It is filmed very well, very high quality, looks great using my blu-ray player and 1080p TV - which I believe also has upscaling.
I found all three of the "tanks" to be entertaining and exquisite, the music is relaxing and interesting. The tropical tank is probably the best, but they are all good - the more natural tank is certainly not boring, and the last bonus tank is more of a closeup so you see the fish more clearly.
This really will look like a real fish tank if you have a wall TV."
Nice but not wow!
F. Belardino | USA | 10/01/2009
(3 out of 5 stars)
"A very pretty picture but lacks the "wow factor" one would expect from 1080p. The audio is fair."