Craig S. (InnerMacro) from WAUSAU, WI Reviewed on 1/2/2023...
If Power Rangers are considered to be entertaining for elementary school children, then the Guyver would be its middle school / pre-teen counterpart. When this movie came out in 1990, the time was certainly ripe for making a movie with Bio-Tech powered armor, and the Anime craze yet to come was just getting started. It's unfortunate that the script is so poor and loaded with unfunny jokes, because the special effects (for their pre-CG time) were actually quite good. Attempting to show Hamill as the Guyver on the cover is not only misleading, but ill-conceived. Most movie-goers at the time were not fooled - we knew that he was starring in low-budget duds that tried to capitalize on his Star Wars resume. Hamill and Berryman are the best actors, which is not saying much since both of them are over-the-top cheesy in their performances throughout. Jimmie Walker is literally the same type of character he plays in Good Times, and it doesn't work. I'll fault the script and the direction mostly, since I believe it was intentional to make the film in the vein of Super Sentai slapstick humor, but it cheapened what could have otherwise been a significantly important sci-fi film at the time. That being said, this movie pre-empted the same style of action seen in the Power Rangers, albeit more suitable for a younger audience.
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Movie Reviews
Its old, I enjoyed it, mainly for the Guyver fans not someon
J. Shaver | Texas | 09/11/2007
(4 out of 5 stars)
"My 1st review so spelling errors aside keep with it.
Seeing some of the other reviews I thought I'd put in my useless words as well.
I've always been a fan of the Guyver anime, it was the first anime I've ever picked up (Seeing how he sort of had a Spider-man look to him when I was younger, I instantly picked it up) So of course I have to try out the movies no matter, to see if they could've made the Guyver cooler in the big screen than he was in a anime. This was probaly years ago but now when I look back at them. It adds to my collection.
I didn't mind the movie, its old, those old movies tend to be corny as time goes on. I sadly made the mistake of watching Guyver 2 on the SciFi channel years ago before I watched the 1st movie so I held my standards higher back then. I can imagine more and more movies will come along and blow our "Movie of this year" yadda yadda. What I'm trying to say is pretty soon the Matrix or Star Wars will be looked back at and criticized just as much, as this flick.
Overall opinion:
Acting was ... decent they could've chosen a better cast of actors
Special Effects were decent
Costumes were decent (reminded me of a violent power rangers back then so I instantly loved it)
The movie was a attempt to bring Guyver to the big screen, I really wish Guyver 2: Dark Hero was what they did. They could've easily have made that into the first Guyver movie. I still gladly have both in my collection, and watch them time to time. Maybe they'll re-make this one
like they've done with other movies seeing how we can't produce anything original anymore.
The second movie blows this one away, and it didn't require them to grab any big names to fetch them some Mark Hamill fans."
OK but Guyver 2 and the anime are better
Billyman | Gotham City | 01/03/2005
(3 out of 5 stars)
"I liked it alot at first cause I'm a fan of the anime, and it was cool to see the Guyver in live action. But this is more like a spoof than an adaptation. Kinda like the 60s Batman show.
Pros: the action is hot. The Guyver does some cool martial arts. Plus his bladed weapons looked cool. And if you're into the comical action this movies for you. Plus there are alot of guest stars from horror fame.
Cons: Too campy. The cover is misleading: When I first saw it I thought Hamill was playing the Guyver, he's actually not. He plays an FBI agent. The acting is pretty bad, except for Hamill who did an OK job.
If you're more of a fan of serious action monster flicks, get Guyver 2."
Could have been better!
K. Bowman II | 04/12/2009
(3 out of 5 stars)
"The Guyver series is a really good comic book and animated series. But for this movie they just really f@#ked it up. They made like a damn Power Rangers movie. If u really want to see the Guyver in action watch the sequel. And for the record on the movie cover I know it has Mark Hamill with half of his face with the Guyver's and people tell me he plays the Guyver. WRONG! Mark Hamill is the starring actor of this movie, Jack Armstrong plays the Guyver. But anyways, I give this movie 3 out of 5 stars."
He Was A Punk In Star Wars...And Still Is!!
Stanley Runk | Camp North Pines | 06/25/2007
(3 out of 5 stars)
"Every time I mention The Guyver(not that I mention this movie a whole lot, mind you) to someone, they always think I'm saying MacGyver! Just thought I'd let you know. I don't know squat about the Japanese cartoon, so I'm not here to point out how accurate or inaccurate this movie is. As for the movie itself, I personally find this a guilty pleasure. It was produced by Brian Yuzna, and you can definitely tell. In fact, you could almost swear he directed the film. Now basically we got a guy who stumbles across this one-of-a-kind body armor unit and it makes him a kind of superhero(it's supposed to be the most destructive and dangerous weapon on the planet yet it only really seems to make you a kung fu expert with a snazzy look. Plus, it's got an awfully lame and exposed weakness). An evil corporation wants to get their mitts on this body armor, and they're not about to let some snotnose punk just waltz away with it. Certain employees of this corporation are humans with the ability to transform into monsters that look like Gremlins, werewolves, Gamera-ish things, etc. The head honcho of this corporation is none other than everybody's favorite cinematic severed head, David Gale. He's still playing the evil scientist....and still unable to keep his hands off the female lead. The leader of the bumbling pack of monsters is Michael Berryman! Jeffrey Combs shows up in a small role as well. The coverbox has you under the impression that Mark Hammill is the Guyver, but this isn't true. He's wasted in a CIA agent role while some goof named Jeff Armstrong plays our hero. I do enjoy this movie for it's cheesy thrills, but some of the fight scenes, one in particular, goes on way too long. The makeup jobs are decent enough considering the budget, but there is such a thing as overdosing on big rubber monsters in halfassed kung fu battles(for most of us anyway). It's too much like a kaiju movie or Power Rangers episode. In fact, you almost think it's a kids movie, but then it becomes too violent for that. Not really highly recommended, but it is harmless cinematic junkfood."
Stanley Runk | 01/15/1999
(1 out of 5 stars)
"What is wrong with this movie? They should have left it as anime. I don't think that they even saw the first five series, and decided to go by word of mouth on this one. The only good thing about this movie was maybe the Guyver suit(Reason for the one star). Other than that this movie sucked. The second one faired slightly better."