"I saw Guyver 2: Dark Hero, and couldn't belive my eyes. It was by far the finest piece of film-making about Alien Bio-armor and horrible Half-Man, Half-monster creatures that I have ever seen. The acting affected me a great deal and I can truly say that this film changed my life. Of course, I only say all this because I played the lead in this film and this was where I met my girl-friend. (She plays the archeology student in the red tank-top, isn't she hot?) So, to sum up, please buy Guyver 2: Dark Hero. It is much better than the first, and it's only nine dollars. Signed, David Hayter."
Low budget sci-fi gem
Mojo Jojo | 06/22/2005
(4 out of 5 stars)
"When you watch a lot of low-budget sci-fi films, you can't help but realize there's a lot of terrible stuff out there. Stuff so bad that it's not even funny. But every once in a while, between the terrible stuff, and the unintenionally amusing films, you discover something like this. I've seen this a couple of times, and every time I just enjoy the heck out of it. It shows what imagination, clever writing, and a good special effects crew can accomplish even with limited resources.
The story is good, and the acting, while not always great, is always solid. But what really gets me about this film is the action sequences, strange hybrids of mutant monsters and bizarrely improbably kung fu. Since I enjoy both these genres, it's nice to have a film blend them so well. They're a blast.
This is based on some anime show which I'm only vaguely familiar, but it seems true to the original concept. That's a neat trick, since animation doesn't always crossover into live action as gracefully as in this film.
See it if you like some over the top action with an interesting story. "Guyver 1" is okay, though not nearly as good. If you've seen the first and didn't like it, give this one a shot. And if you haven't seen the first, it won't stop you from enjoying this film.
Highly recommended.
"One of THE Best Movies Based On An Anime"
Big J | Greenville, Alabama | 04/27/2005
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Anyone who saw the first Guyver movie and didn't like it, don't worry. This movie is AWESOME! For one, I have both animes on DVD. If you pay attention to the anime and movie, you will notice similarities between them. One is where Sean jumps off the cliff and changes into the Guyver in midair! In the anime, he jumped off a fence at his school (very high up) and did the exact same thing. Steve Wang and his crew did an excellent job.
David Hayter I believed delivered a strong performance that is worthy of attention. Also, let's not forget that the first movie never showewd him using his laser (located above the Control Metal) even once! The fight scenes are superb (especially the fight between the Guyver and the Guyver Zoanoid). The only thing that I disliked was some of the dialouge, but it's forgivable. Anyone who likes sci-fi or anime based films, this is one I highly recommend to pick up."
The Guyver is Back!!!!!
Nathan Christanko | Lynn, Ma United States | 10/08/2000
(5 out of 5 stars)
"When I first saw Guyver 2: Dark Hero, I was totally shocked at how excellent the fight scenes were, the story line, and not to mention how much better he looked than in the first film. After I had finished wathing it, it made me want to watch more and more. This is the one scfi action movie you won't get bored watching over and over again! I recommend you buy this video because without it on your video shelf or cabinet, your scfi collection will not be complete and it is just an enjoyable movie to watch by yourself, with a friend, or even your whole family. To tell you the truth I am kinda keeping my hopes up that they will make a Guyver 3 film in another year or two!!!"
Guyver 2: Dark Hero
Anthony Fielding | Liverpool, Merseyside United Kingdom | 01/30/2003
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Even though this film was made in 1993, it is still one of the best sci-fi action flicks you'll see, even 10 years after its release. I remember seeing the first one and thinking 'It's good', but when i saw this one, i was blown away. Better actors, better story and better costumes, not forgetting better action. It's so involving you wish you where the Guyver. David Hayter is a vast improvement on the original guy who played Sean Barker, and just in case you didn't know, David Hayter wrote the screen play for the excellent X-Men movie and did the voice of Solid Snake for Metal Gear Solid one and two. I didn't see the anime series until a few years later and was blown away by that to. So to all you anime/sci-fi fans, i recommend you buy this one, and get the first one, if only to make sure you know what's going on in Guyver 2. Even though it's been 10 years, i still hope they get round to doing a third Guyver to bring it full circle. Well, go on, buy it. Go on... what are you waiting for."