It is fatal for art if it is forced into official respectability and condemned to sterile mediocrity. — --Gustave Courbet — The foremost painter in the realist style, Gustave Courbet was so caught up in experiencing life on ... more »this earth real life that he lost himself in it. Handsome, wealthy, and acclaimed in his youth, he ended up old, poor, and notorious in later life. As a worn-out recluse, he churned out painting after painting for the money.
In GUSTAVE COURBET, THE ORIGIN OF HIS WORLD, French filmmaker Romain Goupil gets at the heart of this legendary artist and uncovers what drove him to pursue the controversial style known as realism. Painting with passion and purpose, he walked a decidedly different path than other artists who chose the academy style that was the standard for the day.
Also included are two shorts, THE ORIGIN OF THE WORLD and DEAD MAN S PLACE, which explore the style and meanings behind two of Courbet s best-known paintings.« less