In his sky-less cavern of a village Simon toils daily, drilling holes to expand his stifling little world until one day he makes an extraordinary discovery, a small glowing drill-bit and the man-sized mecha it activates. B... more »efore he can give it a second thought Simon is dragged into a plot to break through to the surface by the local gang leader Kamina, only to have the ceiling come crashing down on top of them under the weight of a giant monster! It somehow falls onto the boisterous Kamina and the cowardly Simon to defend their village but once they defeat the monster what awaits the duo on the surface world? Get ready for buxom babes, beastmen, and giant mecha as only GAINAX can provide them! BUST THROUGH THE HEAVENS WITH YOUR SOUL, GURREN LAGANN!« less
"Gurren Lagann is one of the best anime shows I have seen in a while. It goes way over the top and enjoys doing it. It is a show that unapologetically pushes the boundaries of absurdity, and makes it seem not so absurd.
This DVD will have the English Dub tracks, as well as the original Japanese tracks. If you only want the Japanese version, go to the store right now, Gurren Lagann Volumes 1-3 Subtitles only is on the shelves for only $20 a disc, nine episodes per disc. This looks to be a more traditional anime DVD release. $60 Special Edition, $35 regular edition, you're looking at two discs covering the first eight episodes or so. The Drill LED looks to be pretty cool and the box art also seems stylish. This should be a pretty good release.
That's about $18 per four episodes of Dubbed versions, as opposed to $20 for nine episodes of the Sub only version. Shop wisely!"
Not often i'll spend 70 bucks for 9 episodes of anime, but G
Kamen Rider Otaku | Ohio, USA | 11/21/2008
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Only other time I payed this much for anime was FLCL (6 episodes, 80 bucks)
Now I've payed 70 for the first 9 episodes of Gurren Lagann, having bought the first, sub-only release, and now rebuying for this. But I'm not buying the new releases for the dub. I'm buying them for three reasons. First, I wanted the artbox. It opens by lifting the top side, which open's the Gurren's mouth. The second is the special features. The first releases only had the show, nothing more, and while the features on this are still pretty light, they're better than nothing. Finally, the Core Drill. While not as nice looking as the drill that comes with the Revoltech figure (it's a LITTLE stubby), it evens out in the fact that when you flip a switch, the golden drill glows green with spiral energy. Now, I can go out in public, flip the switch, point into the air and shout "MINE IS THE DRILL THAT SHALL PIERCE THE HEAVENS! ORE O DARE DATTO OMOTE YAGERU?""
Worth that little extra for an epic experience!
Weltall8000 | 01/12/2009
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Gurren Lagann is a fantastic addition to the super robot anime genre. Even after watching the entire series on Sci-Fi's Animonday programming block, I felt compelled to buy the series on DVD. Normally, I am not one to buy a collectors edition, but for this series I felt it was so epic, it's worth it. This limited edition came with the first two DVDs of six (the first 9 episodes), a toy Core Drill (a major plot item from the show) that lights up, and one of the coolest DVD boxes I've seen to date. At $60 bucks, I'd say the set is more of an item for die hard fans of the series, but I would strongly recommend the anime itself to any anime fan, especially of the super robot persuasion. I personally have bought the second limited edition as well and intend to buy the third on its release in March. Thus far, it was totally worth every cent I've spent on this collection."
Amongst My Favoraite Anime now.
RubberZ | TN | 04/13/2010
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I read a lot about this series, and I saw the first episode on Sci Fi but really thought it seemed kinda "kiddy" and uninteresting, but I kept hearing about it, so I gave it a chace and I'm glad I did.
This series has levity and the fan service that you want out of an anime, but also has some prety dark moments, giatn robot battles, overarching story that isn't totally out there and a satisfying ending that doesn't leave you wondering what the heck you just watched.
I've heard that there may be more Gurren Lagann to come, I hope that's true.
The last few episodes of part one, truly knocked me on my butt. I recommend giving this one a chance, it's great!"
The BEST Mecha Themed Anime I've ever seen...
Michael Kopa | PA, USA | 04/03/2010
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I'm usually not a huge fan of Mecha themed anime, but Gurren Lagann totally won me over from the very first episode to the last. This show is so full of action and energy, it will blow you "to the heavens." The characters are extremely well designed. They're hilarious, kickass, and serious all at the same time. Their enthusiasm puts you on the edge of your seat all the way through. The story is so over the top, it's amazing. Just when you think it can't get any more ridiculous, you're surprised yet again.
Trust me... even if you don't like Mecha style Anime. This show will amaze you with it's energy, action, humour and enthusiasm. Definitely a must buy!"