The Disco Before the Breakdown
(5 out of 5 stars)
"My apologies for using the title of an Against Me! song for an anime review, but it really suits the content of the episodes contained on this disc very well. The betrayal is coming, inevitably. Before events rise to a climax, Brandon and Harry establish a stronger relationship together through their involvement with Brad Wong and Cannon Balkan, who plan to bring down Millenion through the use of lab-synthesized monsters. Bear Walken, Kugashira Bunji, Balladbird Lee, and Bob are all drawn in further in their relations with Harry, future leader of the syndicate.Okay, now I'm done with summarizing the plot. GunGrave continues to shine as an amazing series, one of the best in the '03-'04 season, through its sky-high plot, characters, animation, and music. This DVD introduces Brad Wong and Cannon Balkan who will shake Millenion's foundations and test Brandon and Harry's strength. Animation and music are just as good as they are on the first DVD and the plot and characters only become deeper and more intriguing. Although the story only gets better as it unfolds, this is truly a great anime, even at this early point."