Please Gunfighter, shoot me. Ugh.
T. D. Hanshew | Kennesaw, Ga USA | 01/31/2001
(2 out of 5 stars)
"Having seen almost all of Christopher Coppola's movies (even the uncredited "Clockmaker"), I can say I would be considered the closest thing to a fan he has. That being said, this movie is torture. Even with the addition of Martin Sheen (the Sheens must owe Christopher a favor, Charlie appeared in his masterpiece "Deadfall"), and finally a speaking role for Christopher Coppola staple Billy Floyd, this movie is dreadfully bad. Watching this movie, a friend and I cried out to the heavens begging for mercy, and another friend left rather than finish watching it. However, if you do foolishly decide to endure this trial, do not give up. At the end of the movie, Robert Carradine delivers the most unbelievable look, outside of a beer commercial, ever captured on film. It's like the punchline to 90 minute joke. The bad thing is, the joke's on you."
The good, the bad, and the truly awful
David Gemmell | Palm Springs,Ca | 03/08/2003
(1 out of 5 stars)
"Since watching Gunfighter I have been desperately trying to think if I have ever seen a worse movie. I dont think I have. I once stood in the town of Truckee,Ca, and watched a group of middle aged men dressed as cowboys putting on a street show, which, at the time, I felt was excruciatingly embarrassing. Having seen Gunfighter I know what happened to those 'cowboys'. Christopher Coppola signed them up for his movie.How on earth did Martin Sheen allow himself to be dragged into such dross?"
It's not so bad....
Christine M. Key | Aabama | 08/29/2007
(3 out of 5 stars)
"Ok, Yes, it's a little 'cheesy'. Kinda reminds you of the Roy Rogers days, but it's a cute film. Chris (Hopalong) is my cousin, and I'll admit I just wanted to see it because he was in it. He reminds me of a young Lee Majors. It was great to see him on my TV screen in something other than the rodeo (like back in the 80's). I enjoyed every minute of it!"
Jaw droppingly bad
David Gemmell | Palm Springs,Ca | 03/11/2003
(1 out of 5 stars)
"I once saw a group of middle aged men dressed as cowboys putting on a street show in Truckee, Ca. They were not actors and they played their parts with great enthusiasm. Watching Gunfighter reminded me of it. Those amateurs in Truckee looked like oscar winners in comparison. Hopalong Cassidy, the all round good guy with the white hat has a pair of magic gloves, and these are wanted by the man in the black hat, who is the villain. The acting is stiff, but then it had to be with a script so wooden it must have been hewn from the coffin of every B movie ever made. The headline star is Martin Sheen, but he only appears for a few minutes in order to set the scene as narrator. The rest of the cast, with the exception of Clu Gallagher, just have to be amateurs having fun in front of the camera.As for the hapless Sheen and Robert Carradine this movie will haunt them for the rest of their careers.Gunfighter is like watching your grandmother singing and dancing like Madonna. Unforgettable - but not in a good way."