(4 out of 5 stars)
"All Grown Up is A series that are a bite of the popular RugRats series.Tommy,Chuckie,Phil,Lil,Kimi,Angellica and Susie are all 12/13 year old kids attending high school.It all started on the previous episode of RugRats when The babies and Angelica are playing with a Karioki machine That mysteriously sends them looking at their Future selves,In other words "Time-Travel"(I Think) but Nickolodien decided to expand that episode into a series(Remember though the Rugrats ARE NOT really teens they are just visualising it,also not knowing this).Tommy who is still the "leader" has hair,no longer has his trademark screwdriver or making issues with misunderstood words(Like they think that Chuckies is going to be eaten by one of Grandpa pickles friends who says she can just "eat" chuck cause he is so cute or when Chaz says he is "broke" out of money when That teenage girl who looks like one of Angelicas Cynthia dolls start doodleing around not working,Tommy and the team think that he is going to be broke like a damaged toy) Chuckie,who is still afraid of certain things has knocked monsters of his list but is now afraid heights,also trying to be popular around school by styling up,tries to get detension ect.
I still prefer the Rugrats and i want Nick to start making The Ruggies episodes again eding the AGU series
Here are some of todays famous cartoons The Simpsons,South Park,The RugRats,The Flintstones,DragonBall Z and Futurama"