PorterGal | USA | 09/10/2008
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I'm amazed by all of the harsh reviews. This movie is what it is, a retro 70's style campy movie. Sure, the bear and the serial killer are the best actors, but the twenty-something kids and their bad acting go right along with the style of the movie.
I am not a fan of this type of movie, but watched it and was impressed with the bear and the fact that no CGI had to be used in its scenes. Personally, I'd rather see the real thing than something someone dreamed up on a computer.
All in all, this movie took me back to my high school years when cornball movies like this were quite common. Summers were filled with going to see a movie like this and then heading out to the lake where we'd swim in the dark and spend the entire time trying to scare each other. Good, clean fun - I know it's not something that many teenagers do, but they should give it a try!"
Great popcorn flick
Deimos | Alberta | 06/03/2009
(5 out of 5 stars)
"This film has great gore and fx effects when they happen and the bear was cool. Starts out great and totally twists several times, and enjoyable killer animal flick."
Worst movie I saw that week, and that's saying something
Robert P. Beveridge | Cleveland, OH | 12/01/2009
(1 out of 5 stars)
"Grizzly Park (Tom Skull, 2008)
First time writer-director Tom Skull somehow managed to convince some very high-powered folks to back this dog (or should I say bear?) of a movie, which aims to combine a slasher flick and a nature-gone-wild flick and comes up with something that takes the worst bits of each and combines them into an unwatchable stew of incoherence and stupidity that you'd have to be a masochist to watch all the way through. I know. I'm a masochist.
In Grizzly Park, we have a bunch of juvenile delinquents and a few cops to herd them, along with a park ranger and a killer grizzly, all in a secluded place. Do I need to tell you anything more about the plot here?
It wouldn't be too bad if there were a decent script, some good acting, decent pacing, or even a really awesome special effect or two. (Okay, I lie. There is one really, really awesome special effect that shows up almost at the end of the movie.) The movie contains none of this. The pacing is the film's worst feature; to oversimplify things a bit, nothing happens for seventy of the movie's ninety minutes, and then all the sudden, wham, killer grizzly attack. But right behind it is the script. There's some attempt at trying to get to know these characters, and I guess Skull should be given some points for that, but once we get to where there's supposed to be tension, the script falls apart entirely. To call it incoherent would be doing a grave injustice to drunken madmen everywhere. As for the acting, well, I may have seen worse in a movie recently, but I can't remember where. And this is a movie where most of the actors should just need to stand around and scream and look pretty.
Horrendous. Avoid at all costs. (half)