Be a part of a television phenomenon, and experience America?s #1 drama. Capturing a Golden Globe Award® for Best Television Series?Drama in its scintillating third season, Grey?s Anatomy is the rare show that makes f... more »ans of both audiences and critics. It?s "all pleasure and no guilt," lauds USA Today. They are doctors, lovers and friends. Join the staff of Seattle Grace Hospital as they learn there are no easy cures for life?s challenges and that each choice comes in shades of grey. Get more Grey?s in this sensational seven-disc DVD box set ? more secrets, more personal stories and many more McSteamy moments. Bring home Grey?s Anatomy: The Complete Third Season?Seriously Extended, complete with never-before-seen bonus features, including uncut and extended episodes available only on DVD. It?s addicting entertainment that you can?t get enough of. Seriously. Beyond Grey's Anatomy
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Cynthia L. from CHANTILLY, VA Reviewed on 11/7/2010...
great series and lots of drama
Movie Reviews
Not the best season
C. Merced | Stamford, CT and sometimes in Puerto Rico | 08/24/2007
(3 out of 5 stars)
"Warning! Spoilers!
I love Grey's Anatomy, I am completely addicted. I think Shonda Rhimes has created an amazing and enthralling show. But, this season I was not as drawn in as in the other two. I no longer raced to get home after class to watch the episodes; they just stayed on my Tivo for days.
All the characters were on a downward spiral. Relationships were stretched to what could be a point of no return. Characters became needier, more damaged. Some characters shined. I loved Addison's character even more. We all hated Addison at the beginning of the second season. But, we grew to love her for her fighting spirit and for being so honest. I also love Callie. She is such a feisty Latina. She is strong, willful and so damn vulnerable in the area of love. (George, how dare you!) As a Hispanic, I appreciate that she was not typecast as a poor struggling Hispanic trying to make it through school to prove she has "made it in America". Instead, she is, as we recently learned, she grew up wealthy and George's part of the hotel "rent" was the tip she gave the hotel staff. That scene was very funny. I admire that Shonda Rhimes has refused to typecast minorities, or for that matter, the majority. As she so vividly portrays, race, religion or cultural background should have no place in love or career advancement. Burke and Christina made a phenomenal interracial couple and yet their race was never an impediment in their relationship. Rather, their lively competition and variety of quirks played an important role in how they carried their relationship.
Some couples were formed and some were broken this season. I think that Addison and Alex were never given a real chance. They could have been a great and interesting couple. Izzie and George were pathetic (again, poor Callie). I do not like this pairing as a couple, they were great friends. I would like to see them end as a romantic relationship and try to move back to the friendship they used to have. I like Callie and I love the job Sara Ramírez has done with the character of Callie. Callie is one of the few characters that have not become completely pathetic.
Meredith entered an even more self destructive collision course with life. She does not feel that she is worthy of love. In her own words, she considers herself as "damaged". I feel for her. Her character has taken quite a beating. McDreamy leaves her in Season 2 for Addison, she feels her mom never loved her and her father was never a presence in her life. The only person who has truly tried to create a relationship with Meredith, that was not a total fiasco, was her step-mother. Meredith was finally able to start trusting and maybe even relying on someone. Yet, when she dies, her father blames and hits her. Meredith's spirit is just broken, no wonder she did not want to fight her way out of the freezing water. Can we blame her? Derek has not been as supportive as he should be; after all, he is at least partly responsible for the state she is in. The strong, slightly vulnerable but just as playful McDreamy was nowhere to be found. Thank God for McSteamy, just watching him was enough to make my day.
George doesn't even know what he wants. He married Callie and then sleeps with Izzie. I hate this pairing. Burke? He just couldn't deal with being number 1 in Christina's life, with not being in her every thought.
I hated the episode in which Addison went to CA, it was not good at all. I am a fan of Judging Amy, and I was looking forward to watching Amy Brenneman. Yet, this episode seems a little goofy, crazy and as if the writers had been reading Nietzsche while high on LSD. The characters were not engaging, their problems were not captivating and neither were their crazy personnas. Addison was acting in a way I had never seen her before. She seemed a little crazy, more out of control. Where was the assertive, yet vulnerable, Addison?
The plots of several episodes seemed forced and overly dramaticized (they were grasping for a plot in the storyline after Meredith's drowning). The plots also seem hurried and were not allowed to develop. I suggest that they should spend a little more time writing and editing these episodes. The writers may say that the characters have a life of their own but the writers are holding the pen! So pull them in and give them something worth fighting and living for.
Love the show, I'd get the third season on dvd
A. Wood | Rancho Cordova, Ca | 08/31/2007
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I'm disturbed to see how negative people are giving the reviews of season 3. Granted, they could have done more in depth with the relationships, but I think they have a purpose. I think they want the show to last as long as the contract they have with ABC and then some, but if everything were to go perfect, the show would get dull. I believe this season, the theme was that fairytales don't always have a happy-ending. That life isn't going to be perfect and things aren't going to work out just because you hope it does. There was a lot of miscommunication or not at all. Perhaps Season 4 will change things up a bit.
Don't look too much in the reviews, I love watching the show, whether if it's not to my wanting meredith/derek together. I love the chemistry between them, the storylines, and the cases they have. If you love the show, don't dismiss this just because of the negative reviews."
Loved first two seasons, but this...
E. Jarecka | Germany | 08/15/2007
(2 out of 5 stars)
"Grey's Anatomy used to be my favourite show.. Intelligent dialog, witty storylines, interesting characters - all of this got ruined in season three.
Instead of interactions between humans we get near death experience, ghosts and lots of gore. For me personally, one of the show's strengths used to be its concentration on individual characters - in season three I was treated to a boat disaster claiming tons of casualties.. More and bigger is not always better. After that came Gizzie..
I hope the show is going to return to its former self in season four, as its creator recently promised in one of interviews. Until I am sure it is so, season three DVD box is going to stay in Amazon's warehouse."
One After The Other: Grey's Season 3 Circulates Well Altoget
B. Waller | Baltimore, MD | 09/16/2007
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Okay, so I, like many other people, believe that Grey's Anatomy Season 3 had some problems, or rather...strange plot twists. For example, George's sudden Vegas marriage, the Gizzie-gate, and the Ferry arc.
After rewatching almost all of this season (I've watched up to "The Other Side Of This Life" I realized that taken once a week with brief hiatuses between four and five episode blocks just doesn't work. It's erratic and everything seems to move a lot slower, not to mention a lot seems out of nowhere. Yet, watching these episodes one after another reawakened my original love at its basest form for Season 3.
In my eyes, Season 3 has 3 arcs: One that goes from "Time Has Come Today" to "Six Days". This deals with Meredith/Derek/Finn and then Meredith/Derek/Mark and Addison/Mark and Callie/George and Izzie dealing with the loss of Denny. The second arc seems to be "Great Expectations" up to "Some Kind of Miracle" which, as many know, is the last episode of the ferry arc. A lot of people saw this as the beginning of a whole separate arc but story-wise this just concludes a hell of a lot that had been boiling (including Meredith's mother). The third arc, consisting of "Scars and Souvenirs" up to "Didn't We Almost Have It All?" starts off drastically different. It has a different feel then almost everything we've seen all season. It mentions what happened with the ferry and the water but other then that we move on. That is, onto a whole new storyline dealing with infidelity and relationship doubts all around as well as Jane Doe.
I appreciated this season so much more without commercials and mostly without interruptions. I, somehow, even saw George and Izzie coming (even from back in the Season 2 episode, "The Name of the Game") but that means that Shonda didn't completely pull the rug out from under us. And on this rewatch I find myself pulling for George and Izzie...weird, right?
Seeing it all in one block is like putting a jig-saw puzzle together, quickly, instead of taking the time to find the missing pieces all over your house, to use that metaphor. And yes, Grey's Anatomy has a much more clear direction, style, just...everything.
So, on the television, Grey's Anatomy Season 3 was very static and bi-polar at times. On DVD it's level-headed and checking out of that psych ward.