Breezy lighthearted action packed hybrid hot-rod dragster/bi
CraigalsCosmosis | Chicago,IL USA | 07/14/2010
(4 out of 5 stars)
"A few years after the end of the biker movie drive-in feature era we have a movie(Hi-Riders)that consist of muscle cars,a biker/car gang,(2 bikes in total)patched jean jackets,dirty leathers,booze,fighting,illegal drag racing,an
old west ghost town filled with tumble weeds(abandoned movie set)where drag racing and fighting insue.Then we have some more fun with muscle cars and a conflict between the local town yokels and their unwelcome guest.
A good movie to watch on a rainy sunday afternoon.Loaded with extras and commentary tracks.
Second up on the double feature bill is another Greydon Clark movie titled 'Bad Bunch'.
A "white" nam vet goes back home to the states to deliver a purple heart medal to the family of his "black" platoon buddie and faces rasicm among police and the war hero's family.In the year 2010 rasicm still lingers,but not in the same vein of this semi-blaxploitation drama.
Many of these old driv-in movies are a bit dated.....still I can have fun with them.With 'Bad Bunch' we get more of the bad and not enough of the fun.Dated and slow-paced!Sure racism is part of our history,except I have seen this type of story fare better in 50 other movies.
I picked this up for a 3rd of the price listed here on amazon through a record store.I found 'Hi-Riders'
enjoyable and even lent it out to friends of mine who like old driv-in movies and classic cars.