Inspiring Interest in a Future Believer
James D. Madden | Colorado Springs, Colorado United States | 10/05/2007
(5 out of 5 stars)
"This DVD production of the David and Goliath story has accomplished exactly what I had hoped for my 3yr old son: an interest in learning about the Lord and His involvement in the lives of those who trust Him. My son often recites (in surprising detail) various scenes from the tale. One of my fellow brothers in Christ calls my son "The Little Preacher" because my son enjoys capturing the attention of those around him so he can retell the story of David and Goliath. I understand some reviewing this telling of the story may prefer stricter adherence to various nuances and literary exactness from Scripture - I can appreciate that as I am a literal believer of Scripture. There is never a perfect retelling of any Biblical story that will appeal to everyone's preference. As already mentioned, this achieved what I had hoped for my son: help him develop an interest in learning about the Lord and building a faith in the Lord."
David versus the Giant and his weapons
microjoe | 03/17/2010
(5 out of 5 stars)
"David and Goliath makes for a great story to use to teach children about the Bible, and it is an enjoyable story on its own. It is also good to animate, since it has the scene of David's conquer over the giant Philistine. And for kids, it is good to know that you are not always helpless because a bully is much bigger than you. David not only faced a man much bigger than him, but Goliath had armor, a helmet, shield, spear and sword. Daniel was too small to fit in his kings armor, and or to take a shield or sword. He used a sling with a stone and his faith. Greatest Heroes in an interesting series of animated programs, all include an introduction by Charlton Heston on the story we are about to see. The animation is good quality, full hand drawn 2D cel animation without shortcuts. In the middle of each episode in this series, they usually have a cutaway of another story from the bible, done in computer animation to contrast the two stories.
We did enjoy this, especially the kids. All movie or animated versions of books including the Bible stray from the source material and are not completely accurate, as they balance what will make a story flow for the viewer, especially kids. Overall it is geared toward the younger crowd, great moral lessons here, and if you have issues about the changes from scripture, always discuss the differences afterwords to your kids as we did. No extras on the DVD, sound and picture quality were good, no problems with playing the disc or the menu. I recommend this DVD. There are a few animated versions of the David and Goliath story, one of my favorites is the "Testament: Bible in Animation" version. Also see "Hanna Barbera Greatest Adventures of the Bible"."