Jenny Cadaver | Gotham City Sewers, 3rd Fortress of Evil on the le | 11/29/2004
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Romance, music-industry backbiting, sexual tension, slapstick giggles, a few tears, and some sparklingly vicious dialogue. "Gravitation" may have the big-eyed bubblegum look of any ordinary shojo anime, but don't be fooled; it's far from brainless. Shuuichi and Yuki are one of the unlikeliest couples you'd find in a teen-type romance story, and in this installment, their twisted hot-cold-love-hate relationship continues to amaze us by existing at all. The central conceit: Would anybody really put up with THAT much abuse from a lover if the very Gravitational Forces of the Universe weren't personally responsible?
Shuuichi is still a Chihuahua on crystal-meth, K and the ASK boys make you never want to audition for anything ever again, Yuki's family is full of screaming psychos, Shuuichi's family cracks me up, and Hiro should be canonized for putting up with it all. (Ahh, but Yuki himself: Brilliant. Beautiful. Talented. As warm & cuddly as a hand-grenade wrapped in barbed-wire and designer slacks. Could ANY sane masochist possibly resist?)
The anime is tamer than the manga, which is nothing new (for example, in the editor's review above, substitute "gang raped" for "beaten")-- although I think it's kept its edginess nicely in the transition to animation. The series is definitely best left to teens & adults, because North Americans are freaks about letting their kids see incidental beer and cigarettes in the cartoons (although there's no problem with letting them see beer commercials and thong bikinis on TV). Also stay away if you're squicked at all by the thought of homoerotic relationships between attractive animated men. But since you've gotten this far in your searches, you're probably already looking for exactly that.
Us loyal fanfreaks have been waiting for years for this series to FINALLY be licensed over here. From the reviews below, the rest of you have survived for so long on the surrealistic Engrish subtitles of the fan-bootlegs, that you can't cope with hearing actual English dubs. I don't belong to the "if it's not Japanese, it's crap" school of thought, because translation is an art, not a science, and not everything imported from Japan is automatically superior (example: the annoying j-pop that is Shuuichi's trade in the first place!). There's NOTHING wrong with this English dub-- Shuuichi is appropriately squeaky-teen, Yuki is appropriately b*tchy-alcoholic-writer. However, the original Japanese track is still without compare, so you should watch both the dubs AND the subs. Thanks to the magic of fully-licensed DVDs, you can now do this easily with only one remote-control.
If you've been waiting, you'll already be willing to pay $10 an episode. If you're new to this, then rest assured that it's still worth every penny."
A Wonderful Series....and ALMOST a 5-star
Rae_Vynn | 01/25/2006
(4 out of 5 stars)
"I agree entirely with the first review of this series. I have read the manga it is based on, and own all of the DVDs and the OVA. This series finally brought a genre of anime that this country was definitely lacking, and I am grateful for it. I love this series, so please don't take this review the wrong way. This may contain spoilers, so you might not want to read further.
I certainly didn't expect the anime to be exactly like the manga, no movie or series based on a manga, novel, graphic novel, or otherwise ever is. However, there was one thing that left me feeling a little sick. Just as the first reviewer said, replace "savagely beaten" with "gang raped". Basically, the extremely vague reference to what actually happened when Shuichi was attacked is the only thing preventing me from giving the series a 5-star rating. I feel what happened to Shuichi should not have been glossed over to the extent in which it was. I realize that they weren't going to recreate the scene from the manga in the series, which is understandable because it was very graphic. However, the anime is so subtle that it was as if it didn't happen at all. Apparently, the viewer who hasn't read the manga is expected to come to the conclusion that when one of the hired thugs touches Shuichi's stomach, and then Taki takes out a camera, it is an indication that Shuichi was brutally gang raped. We're talking about a life-altering, traumatic event. This cannot be glossed over. You barely even realize how "savage" the beating is until the scene is finished and he's waiting for Hiro to help him because he can't walk up the stairs. The beating wasn't the only reason he couldn't walk, as crude as it sounds.
I don't mean get too dramatic about it, or to say the series is ruined because the situation wasn't addressed more fully. In fact, it would have been sufficient if Hiro had just mentioned the fact that Shuichi was gang raped. Bottom line, it was a pivotal scene that should not have been disregarded in the manner in which it was. It illustrated reasoning behind the intense reactions a couple of the other characters had in regards to the attack that otherwise seemed over-dramatic. While Shuichi can be hilarious, if not annoying, at times, a person that isn't familiar with the manga won't realize the depth of Shuichi's feelings for Eiri, or the extent in which he was willing to put his own well-being into jeopardy in order to protect him from harm. Once I realized what actually happened, I didn't just hate Taki's character, I despised him. If a manga can produce that kind of emotion, the series has the potential of doing that as well. And it was so close.....
Series review, not DVD review
Catherine Hobbins | Maryland, USA | 02/12/2005
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Shounen-ai : Definition - boyxboy love, but not graphic.
Let's be clear, this is not "animated porn stuff" simply because it's about a BoyxBoy relationship. And now that we're all up to speed, I'll continue with the review.
I will honestly admit that I, myself, and not entirely comfortable of the topic of BoyxBoy relationships. That is part of the reason I was drawn to this anime. The other part was all of the great loyality I saw towards the series from others.
Though this anime series is romantic in nature, the creators spared none of the humor. Every episode has something you can laugh at. Sometimes it's Shuichi's goofy naivete and sometimes it's the hilarious situations. It's also fun to see that the typical laughter-provoking American stereotypes are alive and well in Mr. K, the manager and my personal favorite.
Understanding that this series revolves around Shuichi as a rising star in the music business, I would have been very surprised if the music had not been amazing. From Bad Luck's own song to the background music, this is definitely a soundtrack I would/am looking into buying.
The series itself deals with several different issues, not just the relationship, though that is the main issue. Often, after a bout of cold-shoulder from Yuki, Shuichi questions "Is it because I'm a guy?" The relationship between Shuichi and Yuki develops with the episodes. There are hard spots, and sweet spots, and spots where it seems there is no relationship at all.
Other issues include Shuichi realizing that he doesn't always have to live in the shadow of his idol, Ryuichi. He has the potential to succeed and surpass if he wants it.
The Voices: Unforunately, I cannot comment on the English voices, as I have not yet heard them. The Japanese voices are outstanding though. I would highly recommend watching the Japanese(with subtitles if you need them) when you watch this series. On the subject of english voices though, I would like to say that ADV Films, who dubbed this series, usually does very satisfactory work. (Sidenote: If you watch the original Japanese of both Gravitation and Inuyasha, have you noticed that the voice actor for Ryuichi and Inuyasha is the same? ^_^)
I would recommend this anime to anyone. Especially those who are still slightly uncomfortable with the topic of BoyxBoy relationships. This series was extremely well done and the themes and topics were extremely well executed.
5/5 for Gravitation."
Can't wait for the next one!!!!
Antigone Mendenhall | Nebraska | 08/18/2004
(4 out of 5 stars)
"Gravitation is great. This is a title that is appealing to those who know the hardships of destiny chewing on your head. The story is constantly moving, so it is never boring. The characters are lovable, and memorable. The soundtrack is exceptional. Oh and the dubbing, again with the dubbing. Not so good this time around. Japanese with subs... I think so. However the dubbing is the only complaint I can muster. I am absolutly exstatic about the next one coming out. Yay!!!!"
Great anime!!
Dark Angel Shinigami | Alberta, Canada | 09/01/2005
(5 out of 5 stars)
"This anime, Gravitation, is not for everyone, if you don't like the idea of 2 men in a relationship then i advise you not to watch this series. If you do I highly recommend this series, its extermely funny and not shy of kawaii romance. If you know what Yaoi means by all means! WATCH this anime!"