Dead beings and a bloodsucking lizard-man populate this atmospheric and bizarre European gothic shocker! Scientist Michael Sharrington conducts strange experiments on the transmutation of human cells, which involves hibern... more »ating bodies and pumping chemicals into the bloodstream. One night he decides to perform these tests on himself and winds up buried in the local cemetery. When he returns to consciousness, the results will leave you screaming!« less
backbaybos | Boston, MA United States | 09/01/2002
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I remember this film from my creature feature days in the 70's. The plot is horrible, but there are so many great lines and cheesy facial expressions which make this dvd a keeper. You have to see it to believe it. Are these things happening or is it someone's imagination??? The ending is also suppose to be a shock!! OH MY! I loved when one of the two trampy daughters tells the lead character she is going to take a bath in perfume!! She tries to be so coy and alluring! She's about as sexy as a headcold. This is worth the price of the dvd alone!! Or the two grave robbers dressed in capes and plastic Halloween masks from ... They try to be so mysterious, but they keep showing the lead woman's shoes, so you know who it is. This is what makes this dvd endearing. Oh yeah, the dubbing from Spanish to English is equally horrible too!If you can overlook the bad plot and see it as a comedy, it works on so many levels! Graveyard of Horror makes a great party film with some friends and lots of pizza and beer. And there are extras! Loaded with trailers from other films which are even worse. C'mon, this isn't a film from the Actor's Studio. It's pure fun!!!"
Graveyard of Confusion
Michael P. Dobey | 10/04/2002
(2 out of 5 stars)
"Michael Sherrington returns home after a long absence to discover that his wife Elizabeth has died in childbirth. And his older brother, Robert, has disappeared as well. Michael attempts to explore both mysteries, only to meet with evasion and hostility from Anne, Robert's wife; from Dr. Lexter, the family physician; and from Lillian and Pamela, Elizabeth's sisters.A frustrated Michael decides to exhume Elizabeth in an attempt to learn something about her death from the condition of the body. But strange, furtive shapes are lurking in the cemetery near the Sherrington estate. Michael follows them to a hidden crypt and is overcome by shock at the sight of some horrible creature. . . .So now Michael is missing along with Robert. Margaret, their niece (presumably the child of a third Sherrington sibling, though this is not made clear) tries to learn what has happened to her "favorite" uncle. (Margaret's affection for Michael may not be entirely innocent; he seems to have a rare ability to arouse passion in every woman he meets. Both of Elizabeth's sisters are erotically obsessed by him as well.)Anyway, Margaret manages to stumble into the cemetery at one point and get herself captured by masked and robed figures there. She's taken to the crypt and left there to feed the unnatural appetites of the monster of the graveyard--none other than Robert Sherrington, whose arcane researches into cellular transformation have led to his mutation into a ghastly, reptilian beast of cannibalistic tendencies. His wife Anne and Dr. Lexter have been bringing him victims on a regular basis, including Michael's wife Elizabeth.But before Robert can turn Margaret into another one of his midnight snacks, an injured but still living Michael returns, along with the police. Despite his formidable appearance, Robert proves to be quite vulnerable to gunfire. The film ends as Michael takes Margaret away from the tragedy-haunted ancestral estate.At least, that's what I think happened! "Graveyard of Horror" is one of the the more incoherent releases in Image's "Euro-Shock" series. It appears to start about 15 mintues into the story, with character relationships poorly explained, if explained at all. There is very little pay-off at the end, with the revelation about Robert's monstrous persona treated almost as an afterthought. I know they can't all be classics, but this one doesn't even approach the level of "workmanlike"."
3:00 AM Classic
Timothy Ramzyk | Milwaukee, WI United States | 12/09/2002
(3 out of 5 stars)
"Sure this is a big sloppy mess of a film, but it also has moments of pure surrealism that rival those of any desirable Jess Franco title. The snowy graveyard landscapes, erratic cuts, and pulsing music score also help contribute to the delerium. Graveyard Of Horrors is one of those offbeat one-of-a-kind Euro-horror's that was perfectly designed for those 3:00 AM viewings. I loved it."
Graveyard of lost plot threads that went to die ater being r
Robert P. Beveridge | Cleveland, OH | 08/19/2008
(1 out of 5 stars)
"Graveyard of Horror (Miguel Madrid, 1971)
For once, I'm not even going to attempt to give a plot summary for a movie; after I finished watching Graveyard of Horror, I still had no idea what was going on. I know it involved a number of empty coffins, a mentally unstable chap throwing a picture into a fireplace, some women of varying levels of attractiveness (one of whom was married to said mentally unstable chap), and some people in very odd masks. Other than that, you're on your own trying to figure out what's going on here. Kenneth Anger films make more sense.
One thing the movie does have going for it is its atmosphere, which in the right hands could have been phenomenal. Madrid obviously reveres the horror films on the forties and fifties, and tries to duplicate the atmosphere here; big, drafty castles, creepy graveyards, people jumping at every sound. And as a purely atmospheric piece, it does work on some level. Unfortunately, someone told the actors to open their mouths at various points. I'm sure there's supposed to be a plot in here somewhere; the first twenty minutes or so set it up. Then comes the rest of the movie (until the final scene, where a voice-over tells you what's been going on, kinda). In short, it's awful, and I wouldn't wish it on a dead man. *
The image of deranged
Michael P. Dobey | colorado springs | 05/04/2008
(3 out of 5 stars)
"This movie is very similiar to some of jess francos output from the same era. It's disjointed and it's filled with lots of images of disconnected scenes. It has strange pulsating music and the monster makes a strange howling noise while people fall in front of the camera. However it's still entertaining even if the whole movie is rather deranged. There is a general plot in this movie but you really have to pay attention to it to understand what's happening throughout the procedings. There is little actual violence in the movie but it's still fun for lovers of bad euro horror anyways. My main beef is with image the company that released this ,they made little attempts to clean up the scratches and dirt smudges. They have done the same thing with other fun but cheesy older horror movies as well. This is why I am going to email them and ask them to please clean up a movie before they sling it out to us. Alot of companies are taking the time to do this and so should they."