Director / Producer / Director of Photography, Bob Bryan has produced for BRYAN WORLD PRODUCTIONS an amazing new Multi-Award Winning Documentary that explores the eclectic world of Hip Hop and the urban Graffiti Artist. ... more » GRAFFITI VERITE' is a 45 minute groundbreaking Documentary that includes interviews and behind the scenes views of 24 of Los Angeles' most prolific and talented Graffiti Artists. GRAFFITI VERITE's conversations vary from comparative discussions on Graffiti's ancestral connection to Ritualistic Hieroglyphics and cave writings to discussions of Graffiti Art as a form of street-level propaganda and Public Art Gallery for the anonymous public. Graffiti Art succeeds as underground counter-programming which is aimed at the same target audience that the Powerful Madison Avenue Mass Media is directed at, albeit with a decidedly different message.... Graffiti Art has a contact visceral effect on its audience because Graf Art goes way beyond Art orderliness and conventions, expressing itself through complex design lettering patterns (wild-style), rude colors and strange characters. Graffiti Artists dare to communicate to us, by any means, despite the misconceptions and restrictions! Yet, paradoxically Graffiti Art is still all about Fame and Popularity. In GRAFFITI VERITE', a Graffiti Artist recalls that when he was in Grade school his teacher asked him What do you want to be when you grow up? His response, I want to be either a Terrorist or an Artist... GRAFFITI VERITE' is the first up close and personal expose' into the Graffiti Art World as experienced by 24 ARTISTS whose artistic tool of choice is the Spray can. I quickly discovered as I was shooting GRAFFITI VERITE', says Bob Bryan, & how serious and dedicated these Artists are about their work. The real truth about Graffiti Art completely destroys the old stereotyped image that Graffiti is only about vandalism and tag-banging. Nothing could be further from the truth! These inspired artists efforts are Art Intended, irregardless of whether or not they paint on a wall or a canvas. Bob Bryan, Director / Executive Producer / Director of Photography From Street Art to Gallery Art Showings GRAFFITI VERITE' (The truth about Graffiti) forces us to re-think about our Cultural Reality as well as to expose us to more cutting edge Graffiti Art than has even been seen before in one venue. GRAFFITI VERITE' is a must-see Video if you care at all about what's happening to our culture as well as to the inner world of our children. Ready or not, GRAFFITI ART is the next Great Art Movement after POP ART!« less