Will and grace full description
L. Tibbetts | MidWest USA | 05/23/2009
(4 out of 5 stars)
"Here are the episodes:
Disc 1 The pilot, The Unsinkable Mommy Adler, Yours, Mine or ours, Object of my rejection, Hay La Hey La My Ex-Boyfriend's Back, Ben Her-- Good news this is the uncut version not divided into two parts :), Love Plus One, and Cheaters part I
Disc 2- Bed Bath and Beyond, Cheatin Trouble Blues, Wedding Blues, And the Horse rode in--(still the syndicated version :( , Marry Me A Little (full version), May Divorse by with you (Synicated Version :(, THe Fabulous Baker Boy, and The Definition of Marriage.
This is a pretty good set. I wish they had of included the full versions of the horse rode in and May divorce be with you. Other than that it is a good set. They did include the uncut version of Ben Her which is not on season 2 box set"
Will & Grace: Best of Love & Marriage
D. Broussard | Abbeville, LA | 05/13/2009
(3 out of 5 stars)
"If your a super fan of the television show Will & Grace, then probably already own the season DVDs, but if you happen to be a casual fan or if your curious to see what the show is all about, then these Best of DVDs are perfect. If you are one of the preivious mentioned television nerds that are curious to find out more about this series let me give you the rundown. Grace Adler (Debra Messing) is an interior designer that has a creepy best friend relationship with gay lawyer Will (Eric McCormack). Will hangs out with super flaming gay man Jack (Sean Hayes), and all of them are tormented by rich drunk Karen (Megan Mullally). This group of misfits share the everyday challenges of everyday life in New York City.
This collection is great for the casual fan, but probably not worth it for the shows real fans. These discs offer a glimpse into the history of the show and for the most part they get it right. Love & Marriage has part one of the episode Cheaters which I found odd because after watching it I wanted to see part 2, but it wasn't on the disc. I personally enjoyed the Friends & Foes collection better than the Love & Marriage one, I found the episodes were funnier and packed a bit more punch.
Overall these collections are pretty cool and priced perfectly for the casual fan that wants to enjoy the show without dropping the coin for the series box sets."
W&G Fan
D. Bent | Alta Loma, Calif. | 03/02/2009
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Well I like this dvd set even though we are never going to have the "complete series" of Will & Grace, we are not the only fans of a TV show with the same problem Golden Girls has a syndicated season on DVD and so does Hunter which also has a syndication episode problem. Hunter was also a NBC series. I don't care for NBC anymore. Well if Germany releases the full uncut series I will buy that when they come out. But Germany only has two or three seasons out on DVD right now."