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pancake_repairman | gfjdhgfjhgj | 11/27/2005
(1 out of 5 stars)
"This falls into the 3% of movies that I've rented expecting to at least somewhat enjoy that ended up being too boring to endure. The script has an amateurish d.i.y. vibe, but not in a unique-comedic-voice-that-actually-has-something-to-say way, in a failed-attempt-at-conventional-edgy-comedy-way. The writer has no ability to create likeable characters, pace a plot, set up a comedic situation, or write dialogue. He wanted so bad to be clever and quirky but every situation or character he introduced to that end just fell flat on it's face. Surely there are plenty of decent writers out there struggling to get their work looked at. How a script so bad actually got financing is beyond me. Maybe the writer has a producer for a dad or something? Obviously some people liked this movie, so you probably shouldn't take my word for it that you won't like it, but I really can't fathom what it would take to enjoy it. Maybe you just have to be someone who thinks any allusion to sex, drugs, and partying automatically equals funny? If you're a Family Guy fan you'd probably like it.