The saga continues...
Porcupine | 11/28/2005
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Contrary to how ADVision's Godannar volume 1 girly preview made it seem, volume 2 remains totally serious in nature. The pacing slows down somewhat and there is slightly less fighting in this volume, and more time given to the story. Unfortunately not much is revealed and more questions arise than answers. From the preview of volume 3 it appears that Godannar Season One ends with a flurry of continuous gigantic fights, so all the mysteries will have to wait at least until Godannar Season Two begins in DVD volume 4.
In general, the art and animation quality are slightly lower for these episodes compared to before, but it's still top notch stuff. From the previews it appears that more resources are put into volume 3.
The quality of the subtitling and the dubbing seemed to go down as well, but this has to do with ADVision and has nothing to do with the original Japanese product. Also, the bass levels on the dub track are now the same as the Japanese track. In volume 1, the dub track had hugely boosted bass and treble which were annoying. The treble level on the dub track remains boosted in volume 2.
Overall though Godannar remains the same. It is mostly action and so the story develops at a snail's pace. It will be interesting to see how far the story manages to get when the series is done."
More Fun! A unique anime (with great fanservice)
Darcy Pryciak | Detroit, MI | 04/07/2006
(5 out of 5 stars)
"This is a funny, charming, delightful, adventurous, romantic, melodramatic, and overall just a plain good time! An odd series about a guy named Goh. Poor Goh. He's a robot pilot, pretty serious and determined, although he can get rather dramatic and sentimental when women are concerned. And a lot of women drop into his lap (and house): his wife, Anna, a 17 year old girl he saved five years ago and who has a mega-hero-worship thing (cannot figure out why Goh chose Anna, tho) who also becomes a robot pilot, although she hasn't told her schoolmates she's married; Mira, the old girlfriend who died but isn't dead and who has come back rather "out of it"; Lu, the orphan that Goh takes under his wing as a 'daughter'; another robot pilot who has a crush on him; his new wife's busty mother (and his boss); and add a pregnant cat. Every episode seems to need at least one battle where Anna and Goh's robots join together (in fact, every robot needs to do that...why not just create one robot that can do both?), a battle that only Goh and Anna can resolve. Goh can go over the top emotionally, but that's funny, too. There are also a Lot Lot Lot of cleavage (but minimal nudity), sexually charged jokes and situations, and random funny stuff. Gotta watch this series.
The second disk of this series centers around Mira, Goh's ex-lover. During a battle with Minimic/Club Mariner (old robot) hybrid, two things are "birthed" out of the creature that have been held there for over five years! One is Max, an old pal of Goh, who has been slightly mutated by living within the monster, and, even more surprising, Mira, who is quickly whisked away. Goh discovers Mira, which causes him dismay, since he married another. Anna, thinking Goh is cheating on her, does some spying and discovers Mira, who is basically a blank slate (although she does some pretty interesting and creepy stuff throughout this disk). Anna, thinking the girl is just some traumatized robot pilot, "adopts" and trains her. When Max goes nuts and attacks the base, Goh and Mira's relationship is revealed--much to Anna's hurt.
Another episode deals with the Enlish pilots, a brother and sister team (but not by blood), which is kinda sweet (as long as you know they are not blood related)."
Ahhh yeaaah Godannar all the way!!!!!!
Ron Harris | 04/07/2006
(5 out of 5 stars)
"This volume kicks off just like the other one plenty of fighting and plenty of awesome graphics. They even slowed down just enough to uncover some things, but I'm still in the dark. I still havent seen that cloaked robot from the intro. I want to see it, they showed it a little bit in the preview of the next volume though. I'm crossing my fingers and hoping that this guy is cool."