"I had heard about this film for a long time. Then, after I finally got the video from this fine website, I settled down to watch it. I laughed out loud! It's the story of a team of independent filmmakers who decide to make a Biblical epic as their next movie. Having Soupy Sales as Moses, Eve Plumb, ("The Brady Bunch"), as Mrs. Noah, and Lou Ferrigno ("The Incredible Hulk") as Cain, everything that can go wrong, does go wrong. A laugh-riot, "And God Spoke" is also a good insight on the world of independent filmmaking. I highly recommend it, and wish I could give it more than just five stars."
"I didn't write this script. God wrote it through me."
Craig Clarke | New England | 03/28/2002
(5 out of 5 stars)
"This is a hilarious mock documentary on the filming of a Bible movie that goes all wrong. That is the plot, but that is only the spine that holds all the gags together. The characters are the main attraction here. Clive Walton (the "director") and Marvin Handleman (the "producer") are from the start obviously not fit to handle this kind of undertaking--their previous films were all bad genre flicks. But Marvin thinks that this will be a great idea because of the target audience ("the biggest selling book in the world times seven dollars a ticket...you do the math"). The caterer designs refreshments that follow the biblical theme (rolls and Pepperidge Farm Goldfish for the "loaves and fishes" motif, and a cooler labeled "Wine" that he says is "really just water"); "Adam" is a method actor who walks around the set nude; and "Eve" has a full-body tattoo. Not to mention the cinematographer who thinks he is shooting a Bergman film, "God" played by a tripped-out ex-hippie, Eve Plumb from The Brady Bunch as "Mrs. Noah," and Soupy Sales as "Moses" (who receives Coca-Cola in addition to Commandments from the mountaintop).It's a consistently funny look at moviemaking behind the scenes when everything that can go wrong does. It has become a fixture in our household, along with Waiting for Guffman (which is as insightful on its own subject). Fans of the one should enjoy the other."
"...And God Spoke" spoke to ME!
Craig Clarke | 06/28/2001
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Great little sleeper of a movie that seems to be gaining cult status. When Matthew Perry ("Friends") was once asked about "Waiting for Guffman" (another mockumentary released about the same time) he said there a much funnier one out there called... you guessed it..."...And God Spoke." Well-written, with a lot of inside jokes about the kind of very low-level Hollywood film-making you don't hear much about on ET... the straight to video kind...that will still amuse people not "in the business." When two extremely low budget film-makers are suddenly blessed with a $40 million dollar budget to make a Biblical Epic for a major studio, they find themselves WAY over their heads at the first call of "ACTION!" It's all downhill from there (for them, not for the audience) Extremely well-written, hilarious movie, adequately directed. Got kind of lost in the bigger press surrounding "Guffman," but like I said, seems to be gaining a large cult following."
Some Minor Qualifications
Timothy P. Young | Rawlins, WY, USA | 09/07/2001
(4 out of 5 stars)
"I won't bother to summarize the plot, but I will say a few things.It's not a perfect film...a few things (the studio exec, the cop) don't ring true. However, those things aside, I love this film.It's a hilarious mockumentary detailing the making of a Bible movie by two Jewish filmmakers. This minor detail is never mentioned in the movie, but it informs a lot of what happens, such as no one knowing how many disciples Jesus had.Basically, it goes like this: if you like satire and witty dialogue, you'll like this film. I'd reccomend it to fans of movies as diverse as the Player and Dogma. If you like big slapstick comedies, avoid this like plague.Personally I like both. But a friend who loves the Farrelly brothers above all things found it boring. So be warned, grasshopper, before taking a plunge into 'the greatest non-denominational bible story ever filmed. Special discounts for religious groups.""
The "Spinal Tap" of the film industry
e5150 | United States | 06/15/2003
(4 out of 5 stars)
"This sadly underrated film, while not quite the standard of perfection that is "This is Spinal Tap", boldly goes into the mockumentary arena with a jab at the film industry. A film-making team--comprised of a director and producer whose resumes consist primarily of ultra-forgettable, less-than-B movies--basically are stricken with oversized egos and attempt to make the ultimate Bible epic. Of course, during the process everything goes wrong (think of the "stonehenge" debacle in Spinal Tap). For those not familiar with this film, I think an example or two may be in order just as a teaser:--"Does anybody know how many disciples there were?"--As the budget starts getting tight on the production, they start cutting out major portions of the story, and nearly decide to cut Jesus out of the picture entirely!!!--The actor who plays Abel (none other than scrawny Andy Dick) thinks that his character actually wins the fight with Cain (played by Lou "The Hulk" Ferrigno), and is excited to finally be playing a "tough guy" after consistently playing nerdy characters in his film career. Then, of course, he learns the truth....The main problem, as evidenced by the examples, is that nobody involved in the film production actually has any real knowledge of what it is they are filming. I think that should give you some idea of the utter chaos which that creates.
This is an absolutely HILARIOUS film, and deserves much more recognition from the entertainment world. Until then, this cult classic is definitely worth a watch, and its appearance on dvd is a "godsend" (sorry, hadda do it...). ;-)"