Philip Gardiner is a best selling UK author who has been researching the world of theesoteric for over 15 years. His critically acclaimed books include: "Proof, Does God Exist?","The Shining Ones", "The Serpent Grail" and ... more »"Secrets of the Serpent, In Search of theSacred Past". With his new DVD, "Gnosis: The Secret of Solomon's Temple Revealed,"Gardiner proposes that not only didn't Solomon's Temple exist as we know it, but in fact hada much deeper significance. Gnosis, the Secret of Solomon's Temple Revealed-Solomon's Temple in Jerusalem, reputed to be the source of the most esotericknowledge in human history-has fascinated scholars, seekers and dreamers for centuries.For generations, scholars and researchers have tried in vain to discover the fabled Temple ofSolomon, only to be confronted by one problem after another. From the Queen of Sheba andthe arcane secrets of the Christian Gnostics to the Muslim Sufi and Hindu Avatars, Gnosisweaves a tale that is both profound and precise. Gardiner declares that the truth of Solomon'sTemple has been known all along within the realm of esoteric understanding. Only one questionremains: Is the world ready for the truth? Find the true secret of the Knights Templar and themysteries of the ancients. Find the truth for yourself in Gnosis. This is the story that has beenkept from the ears of mankind for too long. You cannot truly live until you have Gnosis. * Reveals the real secrets brought back by the infamous Knight's Templar* The truth at the heart of ancient Freemasonry* The truth behind the real Grail and the Da Vinci Code* Who were Solomon and Sheba?* The secret of Solomon's Temple* The ancient and sacred nature of our quantum existence Gnosis, the Secret of Solomon's Temple DVD, 57 minutes, RYE 1001« less
"This had to be the most painful DVD experience I've ever had. The music on tis DVD was so idiotic it drowned out everything, making it completely incomprehensible.
Equally as bad as the music the producer seemed to want video of himself walking about in almost every shot. Not to mention almost the entire dvd is made up of collages of images superimposed on top of one another, making none of them clear enough to even see correctly.
I've bought hundreds of books and dvd's from Amazon and this is the first that has motivated me to actually post a review. It is that bad.
I can't even comment on what the producer said, I couldn't hear any of it. Stay away would be my advice, a total waste of money."
Fair...Not Fine
Carlos G. Santiago | Reading, PA USA | 01/12/2007
(2 out of 5 stars)
"Too much annoying music (played at such a volume) that you can barely hear what the narrator is saying.
Very little real insight (or information) on Gnosis.
Not very long (that could be bad or good).
If one didn't know any better, you would have thought you were watching an MTV Music Video by a band named "Gnosis".
A pity...since a serious (in depth) video on Gnosis and the history of Gnosticism is greatly desired (and needed)."
Jeffro0685 | New York City | 05/30/2008
(1 out of 5 stars)
"Couldn't even get passed the second scene. I'm a very open minded person about this kind of stuff too, but the movie was completely overstimulating. A non-stop...(REALLY. non-stop. every scene in the movie is filmed this way).... montage of overlapping images and LOUD music that drowns out the narration.
I REALLY wanted to watch this movie as I was very curious about the information on it.
Philip Gardiner lacks any and all GNOSIS when it comes to film direction.
Light entertainment for wannabe spiritual seekers...
Great Caesar's Ghost | New York, NY | 10/11/2007
(1 out of 5 stars)
"If you thought 'The DaVinci Code" was a groundbreaking work, you'll love this video!
If, on the other hand, you actually prefer to do a little research before you jump on any old bandwagon you may find this romantic MTV fluffery to be a waste of time. Let me be clear; I agree with some (but not all) of what is proposed by the author. My objection is to what he presents as 'evidence' and furthermore, what he chooses to present as significant to proving his theories. It's all hyperbolic grasping at straws spoken in an authoritative manner so as to imply 'secret truths.' It's silly.
I wish I had a nickle for every time the author uses the words "supposedly" and "therefore". I'd probably wind up with little more than a dollar, but there are constant instances of drawing conclusions and making declarations of his fervent beliefs as if they were statements of fact right on the heels of his stating that something is unknown or a mystery.
A great example is his declaration of the meaning of "Baphomet". Nobody knows what this word REALLY means. There are many theories. Just check out Wikipedia--not the best source for information on these things, but they do address a few of the various proposed etymologies of the word. He simply chooses the most dramatic version (ooooohhh backwards writing! of an abbreviation yet! Those crafty Templars/Gnostics/Rosicrusians/Illuminati/Masons/Republicans!) and presents it as a fact. Look, he may be right, but only by luck. In a court of law we could throw out his entire testimony based on all the circular reasoning and sloppy, incomplete research.
So, the information presented is faulty and incomplete in crucial ways. I don't know his books. If they're are shoddy as the material presented here I wouldn't touch them with a ten-foot Caduceus Wand of the Kerux!
Now as to the production: I can't imagine what had someone make the stylistic choices that have been made here. Why all the loud Emo/Grunge/Metal intersperced with New-Agey-Enya-type-stuff? Why is the music so loud? Why all the ultra-slow-motion pans that go nowhere? Why all the multiple images layered on top of each other so that you can't clearly see anything? Why all the shots of some guy (the author??) wandering around historical sites with his mouth slack?
If you have truly valuable infomation wouldn't you want to present it in a concise straightforward manner? or at least artfully? This is a mess.
...and the whole thing wraps up with a rap-metal tune. Perfect. I don't get it. Neither should you."
Horrible music
Muriel Vieux | HT | 07/15/2007
(2 out of 5 stars)
"I agree with all the music comments it's absolutely annoying and at times you can't even hear the narrator!