GLOW: Greatest TV Moments rip-off!
C. M. Blanchard | Virginia Beach, Virginia | 02/23/2008
(1 out of 5 stars)
"I have to say that as one of the biggest GLOW fans around, I am highly disappointed in "GLOW: TV's Greatest Moments." At first, I was thrilled- a 3 DVD set of GLOW's greatest moments. What more could the fans ask for? Well, thank God I never bought it. I went to a local retailer who was carrying it and discovered that all it contains is the 3 DVDs (GLOW 1, 2 and 3) that were released last year. DO NOT WASTE YOUR TIME buying this if you aready own the individual DVDs. Of course, nowhere on the discription on any website does it list this information. GLOW should be released in full season additions (example: GLOW Season 1, GLOW Season 2, etc.). This is what fans deserve and are owed...not these lame "Greatest Hits" DVDs. I know that I would be willing to pay $50.00 to $60.00 or whatever for the entire seasons of GLOW. So, stop ripping us dedicated fans off and release what we really want to buy. Stop trying to trick us and get our hopes up. Whoever is responsible for this misinformation / purposeful rip-off stunt should be ashamed of themselves. This is not the way to keep GLOW fans happy."
Couldn't agree more
glowboy | anywhere | 02/25/2008
(1 out of 5 stars)
"A huge disappointment! I was "tricked" into purchasing this dvd, thinking GLOW was finally upping the ante, giving fans what they want, and releasing a really cool 3 dvd set. I was completely wrong. This is simply a repackaging of the previously released volumes 1-3. Unfortunately, this was not revealed in any item description anywhere on any site. This could be the nail in GLOW's coffin. If the fans keep getting treated with these lame dvd releases that are simply not the "best" of GLOW than we're going to finally lose interest.
A last plea for full season box set releases! I would also happily pay $50 to $60 for it and so would other fans I'm sure. If all else fails, at least release an episode from season 1 for god's sake. At least that really is the best!"