A tiring, hot trip but we learned a lot
C. Jones | Tallahassee, FL USA | 12/29/2009
(5 out of 5 stars)
"We are in awe of the camera work in this and other Globe Trekker DVD's. We feel this was an authentic view of travel in the countries of Western Africa - Mali, Benin, Ghana, Cameroon, Senegal, Burkina Faso, Ivory Coast, Cape Verde. The slave ports and background of the slave trade were covered, poverty was not hidden to the camera and the desire of Senegal people to attempt to escape to a better life by boat helps the viewer understand the reasons a man would leave his country to improve his lot in life. The animal sacrifices and voodoo culture was a bit hard to watch but we learned something from it. Travel HAD to have been tiring throughout this area but the travelers were always upbeat and seemed to enjoy meeting new people and situations. ALL four of the travelers were excellent! We learned a lot but it will be a while before we watch this DVD again. It is still a five star presentation and sure beats going there ourselves."