Excellent travel guide for NYC
Jeffrey L. Smith | Burlington, NC United States | 07/08/2005
(4 out of 5 stars)
"If you're a first time New York City visitor or need more basic info for traveling, this dvd is an excellent way to learn how to plan your trip, and get an idea, a feel for what NYC is like before arriving. The more you know what you're in for when you arrive in NYC BEFORE you get there helps you not only blend in with the people flow, but prevents you from being so dazed and mesmorized by the streets, buildings, and pace that NYC presents a new visitor.
Well worth the price.
Jeff Smith
Great tour of my home town
LF | USA | 08/12/2006
(5 out of 5 stars)
"This may be the best Globe Trekker show I've seen, but then again I may be prejudiced because I'm a native New Yorker. It was great to see some of the spots I'm familiar with, like Battery Park, midtown Manhattan, Williamsburgh, Coney Island, Brighton Beach, and my favorite part of New York City, Central Park. The most powerful part of this video is the trip to Ground Zero, where I used to work when it was called the World Trade Center. When they were describing Central Park as the center of town I was thinking yeah, you got that right. When they were in Brighton Beach I was talking to the screen, advising them to go to Mrs Stahl's for some pineapple cheese knishes. I also liked seeing the basketball players in the Greenwich Village park by the West 4th Street train station. How many dozens of times was I at that park and station?
If I was doing a Globe Trekker video on New York City I would have included a lot of the same things they did. I'd also show the midtown restaurants more, in their amazing variety, and Junior's restaurant in Brooklyn with their cheesecakes and awesome peach pies, and Yankee Stadium, and Shea Stadium, and Madison Square Garden, and more of The Village around Bleecker and MacDougal streets, and the restaurants of Chinatown instead of the store they took us into, and the restaurants of Little Italy, and the Bronx Zoo, and the beautiful Verrazzano Bridge that makes you feel like you're driving directly into Heaven, and Long Island City, Queens, but only because I grew up there. I'd have shown Columbia University, Brooklyn College, Stuyvesant High School, the Port Authority bus terminal and 42nd Street. And I'd have kept that idiot Farrakhan fan out of it."