After keira & lisa discover that their best friend glory is sleeping with keith an older married man they in turn seduce him. When each discovers that the other is involved with keith they reason that the only way to s... more »alvage their friendship is to share him. Studio: Peace Arch Home Entertain Release Date: 01/08/2008 Starring: David Boreanz Amanda Walsh Run time: 90 minutes« less
The plot was a little weak, but given what was available, David Boreanaz did a great job acting as Keith, an unfaithful stay-at-home dad and somewhat of a pothead who is being blackmailed for sex by 3 young women the summer before they leave for college. Personally, I didn't like the drug references, but I guess it was necessary for the plotline. I had several laugh out loud moments -- and I loved David's partially nude scene -- Wow! The man is a god!! I would definitely recommend it.
Movie Reviews
More than just David Boreanaz naked.
Dave's Film Review | Los Angeles, CA | 04/19/2006
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I saw this film at the Toronto Film Festival and all the buzz was David Boreanaz is shirtless and naked through most of the movie. Well, I was more than surprised by the direction, plot, acting, and pacing of this excellent coming of age comedy. The acting bodes well all around. Caroline Dhavernas is terrific as the sly, spunky friend and fans of "Wonderfalls" will love this character. Amanda Walsh is really shining on "Sons & Daughters" and gives an excellent performance as the romantic, heart-broken friend. But most of all, these two characters are rounded out by the funniest on screen representation of repressed sexualtiy gone haywire. Holly Lewis gets the 'Most Akward' and 'Most Humorous' sex scene award. I mean this beats that scene in Forrest Gump in Genny's dorm room. Lewis is absolutely genius in this role. Boreanaz as always is a plus and not because he's naked (although many will disagree), but because he delivers a strong performance that will be a happy surprise to his Angel fans and a delight to everyone in general. I would definitely buy this movie. Hazlett is an excellent director with a brilliant sense of style and sound (this movie has a great soundtrack) and brings out some great performancesfrom all his actors. It is worth it just to watch the very original opening title sequence - a designer's delight. Overall it's a terrrific sleeper hit."
Heather A. Fowler | Upstate, NY USA | 07/03/2006
(3 out of 5 stars)
"Okay, first confession: I will watch and buy anything that stars David Boreanaz. I just love the big lug, and it's been really fun to watch him improve as an actor over the years. Second confession: my favorite part of the movie was David naked, and David playing a big pothead.
That's... about all this movie has going for it. None of the leads are in any way sympathetic. In fact, I thought all four of them (including David's character Keith) were HIDEOUS human beings... and not in a fun way. The plot the three girls hatch is simply unbelievable, and Keith Too Stupid To Live for letting it happen to him. Not to mention he's completely gross for being "that guy" that hangs around banging high school girls well into his 30's.
So... see it for David, if you're a fan. If not, I sincerely doubt your life will be any less rich for having missed it."
I will admit
Mark | Madison, Wisconsin | 11/28/2006
(5 out of 5 stars)
"That I bought this movie orginally to see David Boreanaz naked. I am very glad that I did. It is a very funny comedy that was a bonus of David's nice tush in the movie. If you have ever been a baby sitter in your life, you will get a hoot out of this one."
Summer Fun Movie
Carol Lopez | El Paso, Texas | 05/24/2006
(4 out of 5 stars)
"I enjoy many David Boreanaz movies I quickly moved from Buffy, to Angel,& watched all the movies in between but this movie truly shows Boreanaz' wide scope of acting, the movie itself reminded me of the Breakfast Club movie theme of 3 young teenagers graduating highschool and relating there summer fun story to the viewers and how it helped them i'd like to say mature in a way, but i'll keep with move on. A town hunk gets caught sleeping with one of the 3 girls, the other two decide to blackmail him, so they may have what they think of as mature, adult, sex with a "real" man , what happens instead is an uproar of laughter, & a goodtime.I felt Boreanaz was cut short in The Crow and wasn't allowed to show his full scope of acting, but fortunately not in this movie, he is absolutely charming , hilariously funny, and shows there is no limit to his acting capabilities, If your a fan of summer fun movies, this one is for you."
Just like real people!
Texasbug | Texas | 06/21/2007
(4 out of 5 stars)
"I bought this movie for David Boreanaz and enjoyed it very much. As for the plot, I think it's more realistic than you might imagine, and not nearly so bad as some of the stuff that actually goes on in the real world. I certainly don't think the characters are awful people, just flawed like most.
As for the actors, of course, I think David Boreanaz was great, though I could have done without the do-rag (not sure how to spell that) on his head. I thought Caroline Dhavernas was great in her part and has beautiful eyes. The other two were good actors, though I found their characters a little bit annoying. The baseball freak/7th Day Adventist was a real hoot."