The Singles of LA.
N. Damiano | NH , CT | 08/02/2004
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I picked up this DVD in a bargain bin for like $5.99 because I like the actors in it and the cover of dvd. I'm glad I did an entertaining film I call it the Cameron Crowe's movie "Singles" of LA without the grunge. A group of emotionally driven twenty somethings in LA in the 90's. Claire (Marissa Ribisi) is trying to find a decent man anwhere she can after having her heart broken several times. Her best friend April(Juliette Lewis) having sex with any man she can find while stringing Neil(M.Rapaport) along who is completely in love with her. My favorite character is Giovanni Ribisi who plays Jason Claire's eccentric brother due to his awkward bluntness has a hard time finding girls but is totally in love with the jaded older Jenn. His dialogue is cleverly genuis. Claire finally thinks she found the man of her dreams falling for an aspiring actor Chad (Jeremy Sisto) but finds out he really is an actor with the ladies & is a liar. The ending is outragously funny. A unique script and amazing acting by pretty much the whole cast. Entertaining movie about people in their 20's dealing with the hardships of relationships & love."
Some girl... some snoozing
Jim Lonsdale | Phoenix, AZ United States | 05/10/2007
(2 out of 5 stars)
"This, a tale of four 20-something women seeking love, held a lot of promise based on the cast, but never delivered. The dialogue was stiff and poorly delivered. The main players are : Claire (Marissa Ribisi)- the "desperate to fall in love flake, April (Juliette Lewis)- the drunk who sleeps with every guy she meets, Neal- (Michael Rapaport) April's pathetic cuckolded "boyfriend", and Jason (Giovanni Ribisi)- Claire's pathetic nerd brother. All actors and actresses I normally enjoy, but in this case none managed to deliver a performance worthy of note. Definitely a film I would not recommend to anyone other than a diehard fan of one the principal players."