Featuring the london symphony orchestra and a host of international stars including vincent price joel gray peter marshall keith mitchell frankie howerd and peter allen. Filmed in england and created especially for tv they... more » have delighted fans on pbs and the bbc. Studio: Acorn Media Release Date: 01/20/2004 Run time: 96 minutes« less
"I know that even though a lot of the Amazon.com community complain about this video, I still find it enjoyable from first to last. Peter Allen is really a swashbuckling Pirate King, though not a really good singer, acting the part extremely well. Keith Michell finds every nuance in his portrayal of Major-General Stanley. Though his famous patter song seems difficult to sing, he sings it well and effortlessly. Janis Kelly and Alexander Oliver make an excellent pair of lovers, singing sweetly, and with romanticism. Gillian Knight makes a perfect Ruth, appealing and with a crisp performance. The choruses of pirates, policemen and daughters of Major-General Stanley are bright, crisp, supportive and clear. Though the Sergeant may need polishing, he still sings as well as Owen Brannigan. Overall, this is an excellent traditional performance, and I find this better than the Broadway-Hollywood version. It seems to me that nobody but the Brits does Gilbert and Sullivan in the way I expect it to be done, and it is not becuase of a "Rule Britannia" attitude. It seems that they present more logical versions of Gilbert and Sullivan, and this video really proves it. I would suggest that you think carefully before buying either this or the Broadway-Hollywood version."
For research only (I'd give it "No Star" if I could...)
Keith Fowler | 04/01/2000
(1 out of 5 stars)
"I'm researching various productions of PIRATES, and you reallydon't want to see this one unless, like me, you have to. It has allthe signs of a bad BBC job--lip sych sound with the wrong audio ambience, over-the-hill juveniles without charm, and performers giving about 45% effort. END"
Mediocre at best--but it has its moments.
Sean | LOOK | 06/30/2001
(3 out of 5 stars)
"Okay. Here goes:Ruth is pretty much perfect for her role, because--next to being old and ugly--she's funny and her voice shows her age. Major General Stanley is ideal, good timing and a nice delivery of his song.Mabel is not young enough, and-curiously--at the end of both finales she never sings the top part above every one else. Other than that, she sings nicely. Frederick! My Gawd, he's like 45! And not attracive at all! And tubby! So with all of the female chorus singing of his beauty all of the time, you'll be in disbelief. And his singing is only okay at that.Peter Allen as the Pirate King is--well--let's say "effeminate and unattractive" to put it nicely. The Police Sergeant and his men are unfunny and unmemorable--except for the (*gasp*) midget police officer.The sets are amateurish and disappointing. The choreography is a tad on the ridiculous side. And moments such as the "Paradox" number are just bland, because they want it to be funny, but are not even trying. The whole moment with the guns pointed at him and the nods--not funny! The jaunty steps on the refrain make it mildly entertaining.But there is one small moment that makes this video worth owning:"Climbing Over Rocky Mountain," the female chorus entrance number, is absolutely CHARMING! The staging and the singing and everything all come together and make it a perfect moment.Yeah, so basically avoid this, unless you want to see an adequate Ruth and Major-General and a charming ladies chorus' entrance all bunched up against a lowsey production on the whole."
It Was Okay But It Could Have Been Better!
Yi-Peng | 10/09/2005
(3 out of 5 stars)
"I love the Pirates of Penzance and have seen other productions that were great but though not horrible this is far from perfect! Peter Allen wasn't the best Pirate King and not the greatest singer but his acting was good and was kind of enjoyable, I think what really bothered me about this production was that Frederic is 21 years old and the man playing him looked more like he was 51 years old and way to old to be playing a 21 year old, the woman playing Mabel looked kind of too old to be playing Mabel but at least she didn't look as old as the man playing Frederic and was somewhat more believable! There were some good performances from the people playing Ruth and Major Stanley and some good musical numbers with Mabel's sisters but I just could not get past the fact that the man playing Frederic was too old for the part and was badly miscast!"
Good Performance - Perhaps not the idea cast...
Nelson Bridwell | Oregon, United States | 03/18/2007
(4 out of 5 stars)
"Good choreography, especially funny for I am a Pirate King.
Good recording and video quality.
One has to really wonder who chose the cast.
Mabel, Janis Kelly, was great in the middle registers, but did not sing up into the stratosphere.
Frederic, Alexander Oliver, could sing, but did not quite look the part of a dashing young lad of 21.
General Stanley and Ruth were both fine.
The Pirage King was not the strong singer that you would expect, but was clearly enjoying himself.
Includes a libretto with almost all of the lyrics.
It would have been nice if they had also included subtitles for those of us who can not resist the urge to sing along."