Elite Forces The Ultimate Fat Burning Workout! Join Gilad and a group of Navy Seals, Marines and civilians as they take you through this action-packed, high-energy workout designed to give you results! This fat in... more »cinerating workout combines highly effective martial arts moves with calisthenics, plyometric and compound strength moves. You will increase your confidence level and get into top shape in a hurry! Gilad s Elite Forces Workout was taped live in high def on the deck of a US Navy amphibious assault ship, the Bonhomme Richard, while on assignment in Pearl Harbor with the USS Missouri and Arizona Memorial in the back drop« less
Little Miss Cutey | Melbourne, Australia | 07/25/2007
(5 out of 5 stars)
"This cool dvd workout has been filmed on an actual US Navy aircraft carrier. That's a first I think. Anyway, this is the second dvd of Gilad's that I've bought and I'm very impressed with it.
It's a bootcamp kickboxing workout. The exercisers are civillians and Navy sailors and Marines. It's easy to follow, but it's no nonsense either just like you'd expect in a bootcamp workout. There is the classic kickboxing type moves and a good amount of core workout too. The moves are taught as basically as possible, and then he adds layers to these moves to make them more challenging. All you really need is some weights and energy and you're good to go.
The change of scenery is refreshing and Gilad's friendly (but very motivating) approach is just enough to push you through to the end. He's a great instructor and based on this dvd, I'd go out and get more of his workouts. I really like this one a lot."
I feel ELITE! :)
Sandra | Melbourne, Fl United States | 02/03/2008
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I absolutely love this dvd; it is very challenging and seriously fun. Gilad builds on the complex moves slowly, adding a piece at a time so that you can keep up with the changes (I especially love how he points his index-finger up--grinning--when he adds the "uppercut"...I guess he's really really excited about uppercuts!).
The workout is really intense, and I had to pause a lot the first 2 or 3 times I did it, but after a few weeks, I can make it through the whole thing. It's also quite exhilirating/addicting....must be the endorphins rushing around in my head. My only complaint (tiny) is that the cool down should be a bit longer."
A pretty good cardio workout
Kailua Dude | Honolulu, Hawaii | 01/30/2008
(4 out of 5 stars)
"This is a pretty good cardio workout. Not too strenuous. Low impact (except for the jumping jacks which you can always modify). It's basically 35 minutes of punching and kicking with some jumping jacks interspersed to keep the heart rate up. This is a good workout for someone looking for a relatively low impact cardio workout that doesn't involve traditional aerobic or heavily choreographed movements. I'm thinking that males in particular would favor this workout over other cardio workouts on the market. You can add some hand weights to increase the cardio intensity."
I felt this one!!!
single mom | 09/12/2007
(4 out of 5 stars)
"I first try out workout DVDs through Netflix. And that has saved me a ton of money. Even though it was Gilad, and I've got a couple of his already, I put it on my list to 'try before I buy.'
Good warm-up, great cardio, 40+ minutes of mostly kick-boxing stuff. But not a very good strength or cool-down segment which is why I gave it four stars. Another ten minutes or so of strength and a cool-down to equal the warm-up and I would have gone for 5 stars.
Still, I felt this one in my legs for a couple days because, although it doesn't feel like it during the workout, your quads, calves and inner thighs are working hard. And that is where you really need a good stretching segment.
So, I'll put this on my list and probably get it in a few weeks, as the holiday season nears and I need the variety to get motivated to stick to my workouts."
Too fast for me!
H. Messer | El Segundo, CA | 12/26/2007
(3 out of 5 stars)
"I work out 5 times a week and have been working out to Gilad for almost a decade. I usually like his pace and location choices... however, I felt this video was a fast paced martial arts lesson that was too complicated to be fun and does not feel like very much of a workout. I think this one will be collecting dust on my CD shelf."