Still Hilarious
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Yes thats right, Ghost Stories is still hilarious, and I have to say it just keeps on getting better and better. Volume 1 was funny, Volume 2 was very funny, Volume 3, was extremely funny, and Volume 4 is just down right hysterical. I have to say I'm very pleased with this series, comedy animes usually, at least from my experience anyway, loose steam after a little while but Ghost Stories defies this, every single episode has been great. Heres a review for each episode on the disc:
Episode 13: Episode 13 basicaly starts out with Satsuki winning a prize for her art project, however strange events begin to stir surrounding Satsuki's painting. It is only when this occurs that a Ghost named Da Vinci starts makin trouble for the gang. Yeah thats kinda it, I would give a longer summary but it's really not all that necessary, you'll see for yourself, it's actually very much like "Back to the Future," as Hajime points out. Anyway this episode was great, it had alot of laughs and pretty much all the characters had something to do in the episode, also the ghost has a really funky hairstyle.
Grade: A+
Episode 14: Okay this episode was basically a ginat ripoff of both the "Grudge" and "The Ring." The story centers around a ghost of a Corpse Bride (not to be confused with Tim Burton's latest film). A woman (whose name I don't seem to remember) was hit by a cabby, however when the cabby noticed tht he had actually killed the girl he panicked and drove a away, making the girl's spirit very angry, this of course splls trouble when the kids disturb her gravesight. This was hysterical episode, I know the plot dosn't sound too much like "The Ring" but the ghost of the dead girl looks like the girl from the ring. This episode basically centered mostly around Leo and Momoko, and as an added bonus we finally get to meet Momoko's parents, which was very very funny. Another fantastic episode.
Grade: A+
Episode 15: Episode 15 is very simple, Satsuki meets a group of grils who like performing witches spells, however trouble begins when the head of the group, a gril named Shinobu (I thi nk that's her name, but I'm just too lazy to check)talks the other girls into doing a spell that grants wishes. However through all this Satsuki begins to wonder if Shinobu is an ordinary girl or is she something more? This was the funniest episode on the disc. What made it so funny was the new friends Satsuki made in the episode, but I won't give anything away. This was really really funny.
Grade: A+
Episode 16: This episode was also very simple Satsuki and friends basically come upon a hauted project building that steals the souls of the living. This was another great episode, every character was distibuted pretty much evenly until the end which basically centers mostly around Satsuki. Theres really not too much more to say, just Ghost Sories fun.
Grade: A+
Well, thats it, all four episodes, everyone of them a classic. I have to say though, God this show is realy really offensive. Its seems like with every passing disc the rating seems to jump just a little bit, and this one is no different. But the only thing that bothers me is that they bleep out some of the curses, it's strange though through the first three episodes they bleeped out the really bad words but then in episode four on the disc they didn't bleep it out. It's really not that big of a deal, it's just weird, all well.
Thats all there really is to say, but one should note that there is still one disc coming out which will conclude the series, will Amanojaku complete his goal? I guess we'll just have to wait and see."