Rebecca still grieving the death of her parents takes a trip to the lake where she & her parents used to spend their summers. Once there she witnesses an escalating series of horrific events. The living dead are rising... more » from the lake with an insatiable appetite for new souls! Studio: Image Entertainment Release Date: 05/17/2005 Starring: Tatum Adair Run time: 111 minutes Rating: R« less
"I think this movie had a lot to offer in terms of creativity, but over played the question of "are these real ghosts" or am I just a crazy person. That being said, considering how traditional this portrayal is of someone who thinks they are seeing ghosts, the Rebecca character does a good job of adding drama to the mix. I didn't think it was as bad as I thought it would have been. The special effects are a bit under developed, but it you can tell that these folks are capable of doing something with nothing. Jay Woelfel does a fine job of making the most of what he has and covers a lot of the inadequacies of a low budget with crativity and "quality over quantity" thinking.
The acting is fine, the directing is one of the best that I've seen in low budget horror and I'm hoping that the DVD comes with some good extras to give horror fans some of the insights that they love to see. Definitely worth a rental...even a buy if the price is right."
Crap Lake
Arthur Kicker | Your Mom's House | 07/17/2005
(1 out of 5 stars)
"'Ghost Lake' is the latest direct-to-DVD horror flick that has sodomized both me and my DVD player. When will I ever learn to stop renting stuff like this?
The story(or what passes for one)goes something like this: a local slut(Tatum Adair, who looks like a low-rent Russian version of Naomi Watts)is out getting nailed in the backseat of her car while her loving parents are at home dying from a gas leak. I'm serous. This is actually how the movie begins and is unfortunately the highpoint of its two-hour running time. So the Slut feels guilty, leaves town, and drives to her family's lakeside cabin. Along the way she picks up some dude alongside the road(Timothy Prindle, who looks like a homosexual Lorenzo Lamas)and takes him to her cabin...I told you she was a slut. Once there, the cute couple uncover a horrible mystery about dead people rising from the lake to kill again. Throw in a sheriff who resembles Judge Reinhold with a lisp, an annoying little girl with incredibly large teeth, and you have got one crappy film.
I try to give low-budget flicks the benefit of the doubt, but 'Ghost Lake' just doesn't deserve it. The acting is putrid. Every bit of dialogue uttered is horrible and the script is pathetic. My favorite line in the film is when the Slut says "I can't be with anyone right know, sexually." and then nails Lorenzo Lamas a minute later. Hilarious. There is not one single moment of decent acting in this entire film. As for the special effects: I could've done better with some scotch tape, a bed sheet, and a bottle of cranberry juice. They're pathetic.
'Ghost Lake' is honestly one of the most putrid(and boring)films I've ever had the displeasure of seeing. There are so many gaps in logic and plot that it seems like a series of unconnected scenes rather than a coherent narrative. The acting is absolutely awful as is everything else in this crapfest. But probably the worst of all is the terrible(and confusing) editing. Moments go by and you have no idea what is going on. And by the end of the film you'll have no idea why it was even made.
Avoid 'Ghost Lake' like it was naked pictures of your mother.
Michael Butts | Martinsburg, WV USA | 10/25/2005
(2 out of 5 stars)
1. Gregory Lee Kenyon who plays the sheriff was in the even worse DEMONICUS.
2. Jay Woelfel practically did EVERYTHING in this movie: wrote, directed, did the score, edited, casted, etc.
3. Aforementioned Kenyon was also credited as "grips" in the final credits.
4. The movie's plot is so engimatic it doesn't make sense.
5. Timothy Prindle DOES look a lot like Lorenzo Lamas, but can't act nearly as good, which is bad because Lorenzo's not very good anyway.
6. Poor Azure Sky Decker (as the twin girls) is probably the worst child actress I've seen.
7. The meager special effects are pretty bad even for a low budget movie.
"If you are in the habit of considering cover quotes when making a decision to rent/purchase, you should know that the reviewer endorsement on the cover of this movie misquotes Phil Davies Brown of as saying "One of the best horror movies I've seen this year" when his review actually says "One of the best straight-to-video B-movies I've seen this year." You be the judge as to which statement is most likely to help sales and rentals.As for the movie, in my opinion, it's poorly acted, it lacks plot coherency and pacing, and is just plain boring and dumb. Further, it seems to be a good example of how relatively low cost, highly available digital technology is redefining B movies -- and not necessarily in a good or worthwhile way -- opening up the doors for obscure production companies with a few production and marketing dollars to package products and get them on the shelves.Unless your expectations are as low as this movie's production values, consider another use for your time and hard-earned money. And I say that as a longtime horror fan who understands that "low budget" is not necessarily synonymous with cheesy and bad."
Ghost Lake...or, How to spend a $200 movie making budget.
Music lover in Omaha | Omaha, Ne | 07/20/2006
(2 out of 5 stars)
"I'm still not really sure what this movie was about.. I thought it was going to be a 'B' science fiction movie when it began and the blonde tramp got out of her dress to have sex in a car. I figured she was obviously a minor character who was going to be served up as fodder for whatever bad thing was lurking later in the movie. She was someone who obviously the audience could feel would make the world better by getting ravaged by some evil force. It turned out that this slut was actually the main character who we were supposed to sympathize with and cheer for....OH oh, this was a bad sign!!! The actress who played this plum role was Tatum Adair (apparently even Tara Reid has her standards). The plot has something to do with dead people in a lake who need to fill a quota to either ease their pain, end the curse or put the curse on to some other unsuspecting folk..something like that anyway. I gave this movie 2 stars because I made it all the way through without shutting it off and did not feel totally ripped off by watching it. The movie wasn't great...not even good but it was somewhat diverting. As for special effects...Well, I think most people could do better in their basement with a video camera, some fishing line, a few plastic models and a nylon stocking....Think about it. Anyway, don't buy this piece of work, but if you don't mind some mind numbing special effects and some really bad acting, it is kind of fun...One more thing. Another reviewer stated that the child actress who played the little kid is perhaps the worst child actress of all time.. Perhaps is being kind..That kid was horrible."