Once more into the abyss
Stryker | Murrieta, CA United States | 09/08/2008
(3 out of 5 stars)
"The team ventures into their second live show. This time at the Waverly Hills Sanitorium. Knowing the history of this place, the numerous shows that have been done on it and the teams first experience there, you would think that you would be in for a very interesting show. Once again, as with the Stanley Hotel special, it fell short of the shows usual intrigue. Perhaps live shows aren't the way to go for them. Perhaps its the 3 hour length of the specials that weaken them. If nothing happens during an investigation on the regular show, you understand that it happens, you except it and you still feel it was an interesting adventure. When nothing happens after 3 hours, it's a little less interesting. Most of the things that took place, and the reactions to them, seemed to be an attempt to put some life into the show. For some reason they seem to feel that wrestlers make good guest stars as, once again, that's the way they went. Although this one was better than the last, it still doesn't seem to me to be the best choice. The team, the dynamics and the possibilities of what "could" occur will have fans of the show feeling mostly satisfied. True, yet again, it was not the best of shows but, with them, it can never truly be a bad show.
Watch the edited version rather than this
Ann Ueda | East Bay, CA USA | 09/23/2008
(2 out of 5 stars)
"This DVD contains the 3-hour version of the Halloween special (which was originally broadcast on the SciFi channel as a 6-hour special). As someone here has already noted, it's best to watch this (hopefully you bought it used or borrowed it) while occupied with doing something else; it makes nice "background" chatter while you're paying your bills, surfing online, etc. There's very little to watch in the 3 hours and not much to be scared by on this DVD. There is much more humor that happens than is typically shown on the 1-hour long episodes but I'm not sure it's worth the time (or money) to see that here. I also found the "logo" for this episode to be distracting; it was at the top left of the screen and much too big and bright, spoiling the atmosphere until you get used to it. I am a big fan of the weekly program, but this one was really boring. Remember: If you saw the Sanatorium on the episode from Season 3 Part 2, then you've already seen the best from this location!"
Entertaining, unscientific, but fun
mcerner | Princeton, NJ United States | 09/16/2008
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Not much happens, or at least not much is seen on screen, although personal experiences abound (as well as a shrieking guest star taking off at a run). Part of the fun is that very minor things are inflated by the hunters into something supernatural. You do hear odd sounds in old buildings, and things do clatter to the floor when someone walks past an "empty" room. It happens (gravity, rodents, gusts of wind, shaking of floorboards). There's no attempt at debunking (which is true of the more recent seasons of the show as well). A lot is made of a rubber ball that rolls along a hallway, yet the team doesn't determine if perhaps the old floor is slanted or sagging. Or when the ball wobbles in front of the camera, the team vows that there is no wind or breeze affecting the ball -- but no one is at floor level taking measurements. It becomes a little laughable at this point! More so the guest star, an ECW wrestler from one of SciFi channel's other shows (just like last year's Halloween special). He's not particularly eloquent at describing his experiences but does seem to see a lot of ghosts. Towards the end of this show, the three runners up for the next ghost hunter team member are brought in, and you get to see Heather and Krysten acting very nasty towards one of them (I think these are the two women who use the hokey dowsing rods during investigations). Later on, Krysten and Steve get critical of the runners up, kind of showing off at how much they know in comparison to these contestants, who are all novices (like new people wouldn't be novices? Duh?). I found these portions of the show quite rude -- and not much to do with ghost hunting. Though they need some smart women on the team, a rather dull guy is picked to win the contest. That was disappointing. I miss Paula, the brainy scientist from season one, and Brian's enthusiasm, energy and outspokenness! Still, the three hours are very entertaining. I'd like to see the action that SciFi didn't show due to commercials, stretching out to the full six hours of the investigation. Also, it would be great to see a true scientific investigation, but despite claims to be doing so, I see little equipment and no one with a science background. The show and the Ghost Hunters team just come off as entertainers -- fun but no substance. They should admit that what they do isn't science but just TV entertainment. Highly recommend this DVD, though. It's a good quality and the action holds your interest. Looking forward to this year's Halloween special (bet that the guest star will be yet another ECW wrestler)."
Don't buy this 'used'.
nowyat | 09/14/2008
(3 out of 5 stars)
"I assume people get a bad dvd and return it to the store and it is later resold as used. My copy broke down into squares and was unwatchable for large parts. Also, they should have played up on the great atmosphere, history and architecture at Waverly more. But it was still a good way to pass an evening, if you need to catch up on the laundry or dusting. (In retrospect, I'd bump this to four stars. I'm not a believer, but it's fun to watch.) I guess we can all only have one Season One in life... (Plus, you get to see Jason and Grant traverse the "Death Tunnel" at midninght on Halloween. I probably wouldn't do that alone, no matter how sceptical I was... ;)"