"My family and I did not enjoy the movie The Ghost Club. My children thought the acting on the part of the kids in the movie was not only poor, but very unconvincing. The children didn't seem natural and they seemed to act as though they felt what they were doing was silly. At times my younger son (9) would say, 'Now it's starting to get interesting' only to have it continue down the same boring trail. My daughter (11) enjoys scarey movies and books similar to the books by R. L. Stine; she was quite disappointed with this movie. I felt our time could have been better spent doing something else."
Prize for Worst Acting
Christie | California | 06/03/2006
(1 out of 5 stars)
"The best part about this movie is the fun our family had making fun of the poor acting. This is worse than any after school special, worse than any kid show on Nick. It's as well-acted as a poorly-acted school play. And who wants to watch that if your kids aren't in it (I suspect the positive reviews were well-meaning relatives of the kid actors. It's the only explanation I can think of.)? Pass on this one---unless you put it in the category of so bad it's funny or if kids want to torture their parents by making them watch."
Cute and wholesome in a lame sort of way
Christie | 12/27/2003
(3 out of 5 stars)
"For a low budget movie, it really was quite good. We had a few good laughs over inconsistencies and inexperienced actors and the plot was predictable in a classic way. Wholesome family entertainment."
Great for the whole family
Christie | 12/28/2003
(4 out of 5 stars)
"this movie was great for adults and children alike. it is somewhat suspensful and at the same time cute and although kinda predictable in some places it was still a classic. even though the actors while mostly children had little acting expierience the was very good all the same. we had a good laugh a few times especially at the "ghost catcher 5000" its one of the oddest looking things i've ever seen. but all in all it was a good movie for the whole family"