THE GERSON MIRACLE introduces us to the physician who developed The Gerson Therapy more than 75 years ago a therapy that has proven to cure cancer and most other chronic and degenerative diseases. Through his own painful s... more »truggle with migraines, Dr. Max Gerson conceived a treatment based entirely on nutrition and the body s own ability to heal itself. He cured his migraines and summarily concentrated on other methods that prove to naturally boost the immune system this is the real miracle. Nine current and former patients speak passionately about their successful recoveries from the most deadly cancers. Their first-person recovery stories are the greatest testament to the therapy s efficacy. And it is through Dr. Gerson s daughter, Charlotte, that the therapy is still alive in the face of almost insurmountable opposition from the American Medical Association and most major pharmaceutical companies. This film offers a path to a healthier life, in tune with our bodies and environment, not in conflict with them.« less
"This is an incredible gift to all who seek a vital life experience. It agrees with and fills out all that I have learned in my research of nutrition and the Western epidemics of cancer, diabetes, heart disease, etc. It makes the connection to our spiritual as well as physical beings. It puts forth the importance of being good stewards of this incredible planet Earth. I have personally seen miraculous turn arounds in the health of those who have adopted a "food as grown" vegan diet. YAY! Thank you!"
Very good
T. Alexander | Denver | 09/13/2009
(4 out of 5 stars)
"This should be watched by all cancer patients and anyone willing to pull their head out of the sand and see life other than what they see on Television news or Oprah. You should ask yourself. Why can't this be put on say the Discovery Channel or The History Channel . It has to be better than the other junk they air.
Great Information
April Fear | CITRUS HEIGHTS, CA United States | 07/14/2009
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I watched this DVD on Netflix. It gives background and points you in the direction to better health. You do need to order the book The Gerson Therapy to get the diet and more information to implement the changes in your life."
Beyond Amazing
Gift Card | Allen, Tx | 03/26/2010
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Wow! What an amazing experience watching this DVD was, a great mixture of science, human interest, history and hope. My father died at 42 from cancer. Not really a mystery to me now: heavy smoker, poor diet, high stress from a generic corporate gig, non stop travel to make the boss richer, & a steady intake of rolaids, alka seltzer and tums. i.e. self inflicted toxicity.
Had he know about Gerson he would be alive today more than likely, after they diagnosed him with a tumor of the esophagus, they just ran him through the Mc Health 'care' System: cut him open like a pumpkin, chemo, lay around, more chemo, lay around & then death.
I am telling everyone I can about the Gerson institute and if I ever get Cancer I will be on the next flight out to the institute.
Let's get this message of hope and real healing out to the world,
Peace to you!"
Simply - Truly - Completely - Amazing!
Todd | 03/05/2010
(5 out of 5 stars)
"There are certain eternal laws of health and most of modern medicine has missed the focus of this film - that preventing and healing from cancer and chronic diseases does not take place from putting into our bodies more poisons and chemicals, or by cutting, radiating, or poisoning chemotherapy, but from taking into our body the right food and keeping out of it the toxins!
If you are in a cancerous situation or have some chronic disease state you will want the latest Gerson book Healing the Gerson Way: Defeating Cancer and Other Chronic Diseases in order to move forward with the Gerson Therapy. This book contains all the information, evidence, and instructions to begin the path back to healing.
If you are of a more "visual" nature then there is an 8 hour seminar on DVDs that complements this book called The Gerson Therapy: Healing "Incurable" Illness DVD (Vol. 1: Overview and Patient Testimonials, Vol. 2: The Gerson Therapy at Home, Vol. 3: Gerson Therapy Food Preparation).
Thank God for Max Gerson, MD and his daughter Charlotte, and grandson Howard Straus, who are keeping the options and the freedom to choose a more healthy way to heal, open for all of us.
If you have cancer and loved this DVD then you will also love Healing Cancer From Inside Out - w/ the 2nd Edition DVD and Book Combined - A Practical Guide to Healing Cancer with The RAVE Diet & Lifestyle. There are many options today to heal from disease, God bless you and yours in your pursuit of the truth!"