GERI YOGA — Fantastic for all ages and levels of fitness, this is the programme that helped transform Geri's body. Created and produced by Geri's yoga teacher Katy Appleton, the DVD demonstrates exercises and positions that... more » will be suitable if you are just beginning or are a more advanced pupil. The DVD has been devised so you can choose your own pace and programme depending on how you feel at that particular moment; choose from poses that calm, poses that provide energy and uplift and poses that relieve fatigue. "I got into yoga 2 years ago; I was looking for another form of weight loss and yes it has helped me keep in shape but yoga gives me so much more. If you want to feel good about yourself, relax and feel healthier, this might be just the thing for you." Geri Halliwell
Geri Halliwell and Katy Appleton team up again in this DVD made especially for you.
Follow Geri, Katy, and Nate through five sections of yoga that will help build your mind, body, and spirit in a program designed for all levels of fitness. Filmed on location in Los Angeles, this program will help you transform your body just like it has helped Geri maintain her physical well-being.
Yoga is non-competitive, and this DVD lets you go at your own pace through two warm-ups, a strength section, bliss, and a relaxation section (chill). Do it all in one session or section by section on any given day, depending on how you feel and what your goal is. Do poses that provide energy and poses that provide relief from everyday stresses.« less