Harold Wolf | Wells, IN United States | 04/10/2010
(5 out of 5 stars)
"BBC excellence in another series of a great TV show. Series 2 is even better than the first. In the 1st, George Gently is a fearless London crime fighter cop who moves to Northumberland (NE England) after his wife is murdered. Gently has not given up fighting crime of all sorts and is now Chief Inspector in the new, and extremely beautiful north countryside.
Perhaps even better than the great plots of crime that Gently faces is the relationship with his Sargent John Bacchus (Lee Ingleby-'Nicholas Nicleby'), a very young assistant in the investigations, intent on learning from and outdoing his leader, Gently. Their work together, dialogue, and personal relationship is often funny--always entertaining. Ingleby is as good at being Bacchus as star Martin Shaw ('Judge John Deed''The Professionals''Master and Commander')is at being the not-so-gentle-Gently.
The show is very comparable to other perfections in British Crime/Mystery Drama such as "Murdoch Mysteries"-Victorian era crime, "Foyles War"-WWII era crime, and "Midsomer Murders" country village crime outside of London. This "GEORGE GENTLY" series takes place in 1964, as authentic in detail to the era as the other shows, although not as many murders as Midsome--but they try at times. Gently doesn't have as large a group of assistants as Murdoch--but he gets all he needs in help and entertainment factor from his one primary partner in sleuthing. Masterful writing in this Cop-copper relationship, youth pitted against the old, experience against initiative, big-city experience vs small-town skill.
Episodes include:
1 Gently with the Innocents--murder in a children's home.
2 Gently in the Night--corpse on a church altar.
3 Gently in the Blood--passport fraud, murder, Arab intolerance, more.
4 Gently Through the Mill--is it suicide or murder? Why?
+ Bonus, text interviews with the 2 coppers, notes, fun 1964 facts.
4 feature-length episodes, each 89 minutes, each serve as great stand-alone crime mystery films tied together only by a 1964 date, a wonderful location, and 2 great roles.
Not rated, but not recommended for the kiddies, Bloody good murder, emphasis on the bloody.
Go Gently Into The Night
prisrob | New EnglandUSA | 06/22/2010
(5 out of 5 stars)
George Gently, played by Martin Shaw, is the kind of Chief Detective Inspector that we all would want advising us and working for us in our town. Detective Gently is from the UK and rose through the ranks at Scotland Yard. His wife was murdered in front of his eyes and he decided to retire. However, a case came his way that involved his wife's murderer, and he took it. The case took him to the north of England, Northumberland, near the Scottish border, and he found he liked it. Gently found his new home.
The time is 1964, England is still in the leeway between the conservative UK and the new generation that wants to be free. The bouffant hairdos, the shirt and ties and blue suits. The times they are a'changin', but The Beatles have not invaded as of yet. Northumberland seems to be the seat of drug running and other crimes, and Chief Detective Inspector is kept quite busy. His partner in crime, so to speak, is young Detective Sergeant, Lee Ingleby, aka John Bacchus. Detective Sgt Bacchus
is a work in progress, and Gently has some work in front of him. Bacchus is very young, but determined to be the best detective he can be. He is married to the Chief Constable's daughter, and it appears he married her because she was pregnant, and not because he loved her. We can see trouble on the horizon. We don't know much about Gently's personal life, this is all business, and he is having difficulty while mourning his wife's death.
Gently is a very classy man, and he is a perfectionist. He is also one of the more intelligent detectives, and we learn how he solves a case. He is polite, does not believe in brutality with the people who he arrests or brings in for questioning. Brutality seems to be the right of passage at this time, and it is a good lesson that Gently bestows on Bacchus. The cases they solve are extraordinary and so well written. This is a series that keeps us involved and interested. An intelligent series that appeals to the masses. The mystery series that the UK brings to us are addicting. They are far and above some of the best written shows. No wonder that PBS brings these shows to us. George Gently and John Bacchus become involved in murders at a sex club, with corrupt politicians, gangs, drug running and in-between run into racism. They deal with all of this deftly and rarely encounter violence.
One of the better mystery series from the UK. I read recently that the George Gently series will continue, and we shall see more of a detective series that has become a favorite.
Highly Recommended. prisrob 06-21-10
Judge John Deed: Season One & Pilot Episode
The Silmarillion, Vol. 2"
C.A. Arthur | Tacoma, Washington | 07/12/2010
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Every entry in this Series 2 is a masterpiece. "Gently in the Night" is THE most unusual detective program I've ever seen. Move over Frost, Morse, and Foyle; you have an equal at the top of the quality ratings. No serious lover of British film will want to miss this."
First-Rate Powerful Series that's Worth the Trip
Stephanie DePue | Carolina Beach, NC USA | 06/05/2010
(5 out of 5 stars)
""George Gently: Series 2," a first-rate television series of British mysteries/police procedurals that has never been broadcast in the United States, debuted in the United Kingdom on BBC1 in May 2009. It's set in Northeast Britain, Geordie country, amid the upheavals and excesses of the 1960s. The production stars respected, award-winning actor Martin Shaw (Judge John Deed: Season One & Pilot Episode) as Commander George Gently; and is based on the long-running series of detective novels by Alan Hunter. It comes in a boxed, four DVD set of four feature-length episodes, running approximately 88 minutes each, for a total of 356 min., with subtitles, thank goodness, as Geordie-speak falls hard upon American ears.
Gently is an inconveniently incorruptible top cop, disliked almost as much by his colleagues as by criminal elements, and, therefore, bounced from Scotland Yard to Northumbria. There he finds an unexpected ally in ambitious young Sergeant John Bacchus, an overeager, opinionated young man who tends to play fast and loose with police procedures, a part played by Lee Ingleby (Nicholas Nickleby). Guest stars include Tim McInnerney (Complete Black Adder (8pc) [VHS]); Nicholas Jones (Kavanagh QC, Set 1); Mark Williams (the Harry Potter films), and Andrew Lee Potts (Primeval: Volume 1 (Series 1 and 2)).
The well-written, stylishly directed, absorbing mysteries unfold against a beautiful backdrop we're meant to think is rural Britain, though as the series was partly financed by the Irish Film Board, I wonder if we aren't looking at beautiful rural Ireland. There are excellent supporting casts, extras aplenty, and the characters' clothing and cars are appropriate to the era, when Britain was beginning to shake off its post-war deprivation and depression, and London was beginning to swing a bit.
The mysteries are:
"Gently with the Innocents." When local real estate developer Cora Davidson shows up at a newly-purchased property slated for demolition, she finds the unhappy seller butchered in his backyard. Suspicion falls on a mute gardener.
"Gently in the Night." A pretty young woman clothed and shod a la mod, in go-go boots, turns up murdered, laid out on the altar of a Newcastle church. Investigation reveals she worked at Rake's, a Playboy Club clone that is drawing unwanted attention from religious protesters.
"Gently in the Blood." Another lovely young woman found murdered, shortly after giving birth to a child that has started questions; the theft of expired passports; potential violent ethnic hatreds in a seaside town; the victim's boyfriend involved with a gang of Arab toughs. This powerful episode actually reduced me to tears, a rare happening for a mystery series.
"Gently Through the Mill." Patrick Fuller, mill manager, found hanged from the rafters of his workplace. Suicide or murder? Investigation uncovers adultery, embezzlement, corruption.
These are substantial, complex plots, driven by vivid characters, and strong women, and I found them quite gripping. Shaw plays the title character as a man of gravitas, and an insightful detective. I found the 60's setting more recognizable in this second series than the first: Bacchus has a Beatles haircut, and the girls wear white go-go boots; perhaps what we think of as the 60's didn't really get smoking until 1964. Of course, the quality of the film work still makes obvious that this is a contemporary work. We need to see brief scenes of people smoking where they ought not to today, hear prices quoted in the old money, pounds, shillings and pence, or, I suppose, the capital punishment scenes serve as pretty good reminders of the historical setting, too.
Initially, I'd wondered how much of the Swinging Sixties actually went north, until the setting of the second episode, in a Playboy-club like venue in Newcastle, reminded me that two of the greatest British films noir of the twentieth century were set in contemporaneous Newcastle. You've gotGet Carter, apparently based on a true life case, starring Michael Caine, who's always played a great gangster, with a stellar supporting cast behind him. And then there's Stormy Monday, that was apparently filmed in Newcastle as a homage to "Get Carter;" it starred Sean Bean, Tommy Lee Jones, and Melanie Griffith. So we can rest assured; the once-quiet northeast corner of England, far from London, got to experience the social, sexual, and political changes that characterized the 1960s as we knew them. Worth the trip, any time.