MUST-HAVE Geometry Tutor
TeacherMom | Houston, TX | 07/31/2008
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Absolutely the BEST high-school geometry help I have ever seen. We purchased four other formats at the same time, and this is the only one we ended up using (or needing) for the full course. Simple, concise presentation without bells and whistles. Fully comprehensive and easy to navigate to specific points; friendly and casual, like having a teacher on remote! If you are going to spend money on geometry help, you absolutely MUST HAVE the Geometry Tutor."
Some basic math errors.
Michael J. Laramee | Jacksonville, FL | 01/08/2009
(4 out of 5 stars)
"This is the first DVD I've purchased by this author. Overall I enjoyed the DVD despite several math errors...
The errors were in basic math (addition, subtraction, etc) and I easily caught them, so I wasn't upset...
What concerns me is if I purchase more advanced DVDs from this author that may include errors that I am unable to catch...
Math errors in(by) a math dvd/a math instructor is unforgivable...
However, I will purchase more since I did learn quite a bit nontheless.
Graphics needed
Iraklis K. Voridis | athens greece | 11/19/2008
(3 out of 5 stars)
"the exposition is very clear and the teacher make a courageous and mostly successful effort but it looks ridiculous when he tries to use his arms to indicate different planes, lines etc. etc. in three dimensional space. computer graphics would have led to an immense improvement, the product would have warranted a rating of 5 stars"